SAMBA and Windows XP Home

Greetings from North Las Vegas. I am learning SAMBA, and am setting up servers using the SAMBA how-to books, beginning with the very simple. I migrated from SUSE 10.0 to 11.1, and I cannot get my Win XP Home machine to see simple shares hosted from the SUSE server in 11.1 that worked in 10.0. Here’s the smb.conf in 11.1:

workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = new
client lanman auth = yes
lanman auth = yes
security = SHARE
ntlm auth = no
lm announce = yes
; comment = Home Directories
; valid users = %S
; read only = no
; browseable = no
comment = public data
path = /plans
read only = yes
guest ok = yes

If you subtract the lines in the global section referring to lanman, lm, and ntlm, this config worked in SUSE 10.0. I have seen the numerous posts about the client lanman and lanman entries for 11.x, but adding them in did not help. On my XP, I can see the icon in the network places screen for this server, but trying to open it gives me the “not authorized” error. I must be missing some other needed parameters in the smb.conf file.

For the record:
Server: SUSE Linux 11.1 (HP pavilion, Intel Celeron, 1 MB RAM)
SAMBA: 3.2.4-5.2-1985-SUSE-CODE11
Win XP: Home version, SP 3 (AMD Athlon)

Any comments are most welcome! – Al Chubbs, aka

Probably better with this mod of your smb.conf:

workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = new
name resolve order = bcast host lmhosts wins
server string = “”
map to guest = Bad User
local master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 65
usershare allow guests = Yes
usershare max shares = 100
usershare owner only = False
; comment = Home Directories
; valid users = %S
; read only = no
; browseable = no
comment = public data
path = /plans
read only = yes
guest ok = yes

Also, look at whether you have the Samab daemons running: GoTo Yast – System –> System Services Runlevels – and locate smb and nmb and make sure they are toggled to “Yes”.

Open the firewall ihnthree particulars: Netbios Server, Samba Server and Connection Tracking (AKA “Broadcast”). Details on this link

It’s OK to have anyone you like as the Linux owner of the directory /plans while it’s read-only. If you make it writeable you will have to change the owner and the stanza [plans] a bit.

After modifying smb.conf, best to restart in sequence like this: winxp, Suse, winxp, Suse. Let them boot fully and settle before next machine is booted (crazy but true – makes them chat with each other).

:slight_smile: Your recommendations worked the first time I tried them last Friday. I apologize a thousand times for not writing back sooner:( – a very busy weekend on church things. I am looking forward to progressing into protected shares now. Your tutorial linked into your reply is a wonderful piece of technical writing, and I agree wholeheartedly with the reviewers. I will refer to it often.

Best regards,
Al Chubbs in North Las Vegas.