Samba, after update no access Win10

I updated my previous Samba version to 4.17.7 and now I have no more access to shared folders from Windows 10.
Another Win10 PC Win 7 and even 2000 still works. So, I assume SMB itself seems to be fine and communicates with Win10 in general.
I stuck with “Enter network credentials” and cant log in. I already installed the SMB1 part for Win10 but it worked before and didnt affect the other Win10 PC.
Anyone an idea? I am sure it is just a small detail I missed.
Thank you.

Any reason you are still using SMB1? You should be using SMB2 (or even better SMB3) with modern Samba environments.

Important: SMB1 will be disabled

Starting with Samba version 4.17, the SMB1 protocol has been disabled in SLE and is no longer supported.

there is no reason, it was just a test. The other Win10 PC doesnt have it installed and works. So, I removed it from the PC but still have the same problem.

Can you share the working smb.conf for your server? That might help others comment further here.

Clarifying that both Windows 10 machines are acting as samba clients in this case, and only one can access the shares, is that correct?

Yes, that is correct.

PC 1 (WIN 10 Pro) - Login failed, but it seems to communicate with the samba server.
PC 2 (WIN 10 Pro) - No problems
PC 3 (WIN 10 Home) - No problems
PC 4 (WIN 7 Pro) - No problems

opensuse leap 15.5
samba 4.17.7

PC1 had access to samba shares before the update to 4.17.7 and I didn’t change any settings nor on server nor client. But it is the only one that is affected. And I have no idea why nor I can reproduce the problem.
BTW: The SMB server is not a DC.

Do each of the clients use unique credentials? Have you checked that the relevant samba user exists on the Linux host?

With respect to the Windows machine, you can configure Windows Credential Manager for access to a given standalone server. Refer

No, they are the same.

I already deleted the account in windows cm, so that can also not be the problem.
I also added a new smb user but doesnt accept the login either.
pdbedit -L -w user is available and can login from other machines.

Then the issue needs to be investigated with respect to that one Windows machine.

Are all Windows 10 machines using the same build…


From a CMD window, run

rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

to find any cached credentials that may need deleting as well.

Just in case this is Windows security policy setting is applicable (ignore the SMB protocol info)…

Specifically, section “3. Disable Digitally sign communications policy”

Check that it is not an authentication protocol issue specific to this machine…

Thanks for the links. I will try that later.
My Win10 was v.1909 and all the others v.22H2.
Waiting till the update is done and see what happens next.

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So, I have some good and some bad news.
The good news first: it seems to work now.
The bad news: I dont know why.

I updated my PC and is on 22H2 now. But that has nothing to do with it.
What I did was adding the following lines to smb.conf.

lanman auth = yes
ntlm auth = yes

But why would that affect Win10 1909 and not Win10 22H2 or even Win7? There shouldn’t be any difference.
What really surprised me that my Win2000 dinosaur had full access. But with one exception. I could access \server_ip but not directly open in network (when you click on the pc in explorer). Why is that? I could understand it because of the missing NetBEUI but thats not the case here.

And thank you for the great help so far.

They are deprecated options…

You could check the changelog…

rpm -q --changelog samba

grep for ntlm and lanman perhaps. Not sure that anything recent would have impacted though.

Was this following an update of the Windows machine? A reboot perhaps?