S2disk Toshiba M30

Help needed!
When I close the lid, the computer suspends, and everything is fine. Opening the lid, the computer resumes, but only up to this point “suspend returned to user space”, and the display goes black, and stays black.
An ordination pls.:slight_smile:

  • mummel

it may help if you tell us which M30 exactly, and since it looks like the video adapter is the culprit, which video chipset it uses.
I had an M30 (don’t recall the rest) and S2Disk was totally useless because it took as long to resume as it took to boot normally.


Since we’re on topic, Toshiba once had a marvelous site with Linux help, but it looks like they don’t update it any more.
You may want to send them a mail and cry a little.

Does it change anything if instead of closing the lid you explicitly click on “Suspend to Disk” menu via kpowersave?


mummel wrote:

> Help needed!
> When I close the lid, the computer suspends, and everything is fine.
> Opening the lid, the computer resumes, but only up to this point
> “suspend returned to user space”, and the display goes black, and stays
> black.
> An ordination pls.:slight_smile:

Suspend seems to be a crap shoot on both the Toshibas I have here - A105,
M115 - in that I never know whether they are going to suspend when I close
the lid or not. Same issues with both S2R and S2D. Choosing the suspend
mode from the powersave menu always seems to work. My resumes work -
usually. Every so often the wireless will refuse to wake up after resume
and I have to do the tap dance with Yast->network devices to light the fire
but they basically resume as expected using the menu option (OS 11.0 now,
neither machine would suspend properly under 10.2 before I updated to 11.0)

Will Honea