Running phoronix test suite more help requested

After completing the upgrading of my system hardware I was trying to use Phoronix Test Suite to test and benchmark my system. I downloaded the Linux tarball file, extracted it and then installed php7 files from the repo using yast. I though I had it right and ran and then ran the example given in the instruction:-

*alastair@localhost:~> phoronix-test-suite benchmark c-ray      

PHP must be installed for the Phoronix Test Suite 
The PHP command-line package is commonly called php-cli, php7-cli, php8-cli, or php. 
For more information visit: 

The command to likely run for your operating system is:  
# zypper install php7 php7-zip php7-openssl 

Since I have done the php installation twice now, and am still not getting a result I expected, checked the various config files from the web pages. Nothing I expected is in place so it seems the installation has been incomplete. Please could somebody put me straight.

Why install, just run from the tarball directory?

zypper in --no-recommends php7 php7-dom php7-zip php7-json

Hi Malcolm, already installed all that and I was trying to run from tarball directory but it didn’t work. I am still getting the info PHP must be installed. Strange.
Also where is the index of options?

Not sure, that’s all I had to install to get it working… then in the extracted tarball directory run with;

./phoronix-test-suite benchmark c-ray

Hi Malcolm I have been through it all again and this is what I have:-

alastair@IBMW530:~/Downloads/phoronix-test-suite> ./phoronix-test-suite benchmark c-ray 

PHP must be installed for the Phoronix Test Suite 
The PHP command-line package is commonly called php-cli, php7-cli, php8-cli, or php. 
For more information visit: 

The command to likely run for your operating system is:  
# zypper install php7 php7-zip php7-openssl 

I have checked my installed software in yast and all the components are there. Any ideas how I can check why the php app does not run? Should I try the Phoronix forum?

Seems all a bit strange… on the latest snapshot 20211029?

What does it say about the command which php-cli?

Sorry Malcolm, I am being thick but what do you mean? Snapshot, which snapshot and where? Which php-cli?. Too cryptic for me sorry.

My bad, thought your on Tumbleweed, so ‘which’ is a command to see the location of the file…

which php7-cli

So I just keep on learning. Here is the result:-

alastair@IBMW530:~> which php7-cli 
which: no php7-cli in (/home/alastair/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin) 

This explains why phoronix is not working but not what happened to my installation of php7.

Likewise not in Leap 15.3…

Switch to the php repo:

Hi Malcolm,
Many thanks. That seems to have fixed the problem but I do not understand why yast reported that my php7 downloads had been installed. Strange.
Anyhow I seem to have Phoronix running, so all I need to do now is understand how to use it. Thanks again for bailing me out.