Running ISOs

Is there a way to run an ISO on an LXDE Tumbleweed?

I can’t find an application that can run it.

I’m not sure what you mean by “run an ISO”.

In a virtual machine (under KVM), an iso can be treated as a virtual DVD drive. I assume something similar happens with other virtualization systems.

I can also mount an iso with something like:

# mount -o ro filename.iso /mnt

(the “-o ro” is because I don’t want the iso to be written to).

An ISO is an optical disk format, generally associated with CDROMs and DVDs.
But, an ISO file can also be read directly without burning to a physical optical disk.

When you say “run” an ISO, generally you might mean how to “play” or “read” the contents of the ISO, and the app you use typically depends on the content… Is it a data disk not much different than a hard drive? Does it contain multimedia files? Is it a commercially created disk containing music or a film?

As Neil describes,
Regardless what is in the ISO, the file will have to be mounted before it can be accessed by an application.
But, some applications know how to mount the file automatically so you don’t have to do that yourself.

Some examples of applications that will “run” ISO files…
On an LXDE machine…

VLC - VideoLanClient will detect and automatically do whatever is necessary to play almost any kind of ISO containing multimedia content in a variety of formats.

PCLanManager - One of many very capable File Managers which might or might not automatically mount, and in many cases might prview the contents of the ISO.


As both posters above and I assume that you are not fully aware of what an “ISO” is, allow me to add some more (links to) information.

What most often is just called an “ISO” here is in fact a shortcut to the term “a file system according to the ISO 9660 standard”.

See here:
For Linux it is just a supported type of file system like btrfs, ext2/3/4,/ Reiser, etc. Thus you can do the things you can with any file system, like mount and then address the contents on directory/file level relative to the mount point.

There are some restrictions (e.g. in the file names) and of course, as it was designed with CD and DVD in mind, it will be handled as read-only.

Thus it is not an executable (you can not “run” it), but it can be prepared in such a way that the BIOS can boot from it. Same as you can prepare a normal disk in a way the BIOS can boot from it.
In other words, there are bootable ISOs, but not all ISOs are bootable. And there are CD’s/DVDs with an ISO 9660 file system on it, but not all CD’s/DVDs have an ISO 9660 file sysem on it (e.g. a music CD).