Newby - who hopes he is in the right place.
I am using Tumbleweed KDE.
I attempt to add software using the system - install remove software
When I sigh in as root I get a popup message ruby-KDia;og > Configuration file “/root/.config/rubyrc” not writable. Please contact your system administrator.
The file does not appear - even as a hidden file.
A/ Is there a way to search these forums to read previous posts on this issue?
What are you trying to do?
And, what guide are you following for what you are trying to do?
you probably wouldn’t invoke that type of command directly, like most distros openSUSE now implements the systemd subsystem. If a more modern binary has been written, then something like a “rubyrc” has been replaced. Even if a legacy binary still exists (not yet replaced), you would ordinarily invoke a “systemctl” command which would in turn invoke the appropriate binary.
Provide some info on whatever you are trying to do and we can point you in the right direction.
What I was trying to do was add codecs and flash player for better music and video streaming / playing. I really was not interested in adding a programming language which IIU Ruby is.
Perhaps I’m just not knowledgeable enough to use OpenSuse
Everyone starts of “not knowledgeable” and improves, you’re not alone and with plenty of others.
The codecs and a flash player don’t necessarily require any kind of ruby, read and follow the stickies in the Multimedia Forum for how to add those. In general, you will need to add the packman repo, and then do a vendor change to it.
If there is a specific app you wish to run, then it <might> involve some kind of use of ruby, but would need specifics (eg the specific app you wish to install or run).