Ruby - RVM for opensuse?

As part of my course on Ruby on Rails I have to install RVM(Ruby Version Manager) on my Linux(the course assumes Ubuntu). Me finding Ubuntu disgusting and Opensuse 13.1(just upgraded) just freakin awesome want to find out how I can do that.
External Repos maybe?

BTW I did use this but it just gets stuck and I had to exit the Konsole. Considering the number of issues I have had in the past 3-4 days after installing Opensuse I am starting to think I am not configuring my Virtual Box the right way. Maybe I should uninstall, download the latest version and then install Opensuse. I mean this looks like networking problems to me.

Command I used

curl -L | bash -s stable

It should work. I just tried to install a hex editor and had to do it 3 times. To me it looks like networking problem. What do you think?

I do not know anything about your subject, except that you ask how toi find software for openSUSE.

Except for the simple way of using the Search function in YaST > Software > Software Management to search for software available in the repos your system is subscribed to, we use Search for searching in other (the OBS) repos.

The instructions you’re following attempts to simply download from the Project using a generic approach.

Much better is to simply download a pre-compiled package from your distro’s package.

So, for openSUSE, assuming you have already added the ruby repo (Have you done this? If not, I posted how to do this for another project, simply modify the command line to be consistent with your openSUSE version (eg 12.3 > 13.1)

Once you have the ruby repo installed, you can search for any package in all configured repos, eg

zypper search rvm

From the list that is returned you will want to run

zypper install rubygem-rvm rubygem-rvm-doc

The above zypper commands describe how to install from the command line. You can also accomplish the same using the YAST utilities (Manage repositories, Software Management) which are preferred by many including those new to openSUSE.