Rsync latest version?


I have the 3.2.7 version of rsync installed…
No update candidate for ‘rsync-3.2.7-150600.3.8.1.x86_64’.
The highest available version is already installed.

So does the above have the latest bug fix?

Elsewhere I find the latest version is 3.4.X

Would I do my usual trick of breaking my install if I tried to compile the 3.4.x version and install over the top?

@clive did you check the rsync changelog via YaST or rpm -q rsync --changelog | less

Version numbers don’t mean a lot on Leap since bug fixes, CVE’s etc are backported…


Leap package versions get patched. So this a version with patches for the latest known vulnerabilities.


Thank you both.
Understood and accepted as SOLVED.