rsync auth failed on module

rsync without the auth bit in the module works fine
to add some more security I added hosts allow =
and that works too. However as soon as I put

auth users = mytest
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets

in the module section and make a /etc/rsyncd.secrets file with


I get auth failed in module blah

I have read that rsync is funny with the secrets file and it needs to be chmod 600 and that it needs a line feed character on the end
I have tried this. Has any one any ideas what I’ve missed - the client end is

rsync --verbose --progress --stats --recursive --times --perms --links --delete --super --owner --group /home/*

The server end error is ‘auth failed from unknown ( unauthorised user’



interele wrote:
> rsync without the auth bit in the module works fine

You’re a bit vague with reporting what you’re doing. You don’t say that
you’re using rsyncd for example, but leave us to assume that. Making us
guess makes it much harder to help you.

You haven’t been explicit about which machine you’re talking about in
many cases. You haven’t been explicit about user names.

> to add some more security I added hosts allow =
> and that works too. However as soon as I put
> auth users = mytest
> secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
> in the module section and make a /etc/rsyncd.secrets file with

I usually put the secrets file in root’s home directory, to make it
slightly harder to get to.

> mytest:password
> I get auth failed in module blah
> I have read that rsync is funny with the secrets file and it needs to
> be chmod 600 and that it needs a line feed character on the end
> I have tried this. Has any one any ideas what I’ve missed - the client
> end is
> rsync --verbose --progress --stats --recursive --times --perms --links
> --delete --super --owner --group /home/*

Please use -vvv instead of --verbose and show the full output.

You haven’t used an explicit rsync-user name. That’s error prone.

> The server end error is ‘auth failed from unknown (
> unauthorised user’

I was backing up 1200 user home directoies from one machine to another

I tried -vvv and it still said the same thing - just ‘auth failed in module blah’

By the client I mean the one running rsync where the source is and the server the one running rsyncd ( started from Yast ) where the destination is

I don’t understand what you mean with ‘You haven’t used an explicit rsync-user name’



interele wrote:
> I was backing up 1200 user home directoies from one machine to another

I don’t really care and neither I imagine does anybody else.

> I tried -vvv and it still said the same thing - just ‘auth failed in
> module blah’

I asked you to post full output. You haven’t done so.

> By the client I mean the one running rsync where the source is and the
> server the one running rsyncd ( started from Yast ) where the
> destination is
> I don’t understand what you mean with ‘You haven’t used an explicit
> rsync-user name’

And you can’t be bothered to look at the man page? Well, I’m not going
to do it for you.

You could just ignore me, or do you enjoy being rude?

And yes, I have read the man page and if that had helped I wouldn’t have had to ask.

If you still want the whole output

@ERROR: auth failed on module blah
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1528) [sender=3.0.9]
[sender] _exit_cleanup(code=5, file=main.c, line=1528): about to call exit(5)

BTW if you had just explained what you meant by ‘explicit’ as I had asked that would have been it
and I would have thought you were really great instead of just rude and unhelpful.

Thanks anyway … now that I’ve got that off my chest … and it now works



On 02/22/2012 05:46 PM, interele wrote:
> and it now
> works

happy to hear…
i don’t know why Dave has been so grumpy lately…

What does DistroWatch write about YOU?:

I am sorry I let go as well.
We have 600 machines, 1300 users and 3 operating systems and just 2 of us to look after it.

I am an inch away from persuading them to go to opensuse rather than windows 7. Sometimes
the questions I ask on these forums might be a bit daft but spending 3 hours going over the man
pages again and again until it became clear is a waste of time that we don’t have. If he’d just said
try someone@server::blah etc etc I would have got it.

Tomorrow is D day for opensuse v windows 7 - If it goes my way then they’ll be a heck of a lot more
dumb questions posted here for a while :wink: Please be nice to me



interele wrote:
> You could just ignore me, or do you enjoy being rude?

You need to go and (re)read the sticky about how to ask questions.

> And yes, I have read the man page and if that had helped I wouldn’t
> have had to ask.

You didn’t say that you had, so how am I supposed to know that you had?
I’ve already said you need to be more explicit. We can’t read your mind.

But even telling me that doesn’t really help me to see what you don’t
understand. The manual page seems clear to me (at least about what an
rsync-user is and how to add one to your command line).

> If you still want the whole output
> @ERROR: auth failed on module blah
> rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at
> main.c(1528) [sender=3.0.9]
> [sender] _exit_cleanup(code=5, file=main.c, line=1528): about to call
> exit(5)

I’m surprised it doesn’t show you the connection status?

It’s normal to show the command followed by the output and then the next
prompt, to indicate that’s the end of the output.

And the web forum users will be along in a minute to ask you to use CODE

interele wrote:
> BTW if you had just explained what you meant by ‘explicit’ as I had
> asked

I’m sorry, where exactly did you ask that?

> Thanks anyway … now that I’ve got that off my chest … and it now
> works

I hope you’ll post whatever the solution is for the benefit of anybody
else who finds the same problem.

The post at 13:05

I don’t understand what you mean with ‘You haven’t used an explicit rsync-user name’


Well, to end this thread … the word is …openSuse

I shall now go and have a nervous breakdown



interele wrote:
> Well, to end this thread … the word is …openSuse

CONGRATULATIONS! :slight_smile:

> I shall now go and have a nervous breakdown

That’s a better idea than Prozac, anyway. Get well soon :slight_smile:

On 02/23/2012 07:36 PM, interele wrote:
> the word is …openSuse

congrats…holler if you need…but either beef up your sig so we can
see what you are asking about (600 machines, 1300 users and 3 operating
systems–as well as OS/Desktop version, etc) or include it in your help
request…in each new thread…

smooth out…

What does DistroWatch write about YOU?: