'.rpmnew' files after upgrade - some 'etc-update'-like tool ?

Hello !

I’ve just upgraded my openSUSE 12.2 to 12.3 (Live, while still using it at the same time, including 3rd-party repos. Yast2 and Zypper are great !)

After the upgrade process I have a bunch of “.rpmnew” config files left all over.
(Well that was expected: some software had major upgrade and have new/different formats of config files).

I have to merge the change to get everything working together (for example, PulseAudio won’t work correctly without it because the module for bluetooth audio has changed, you need to update default.pa) (for example grub2 will show duplicate entries, because it considers the normal and the ‘.rpmnew’ as 2 seperate bunches of configure scripts, and thus runs everything twice) (etc.).

Some files i’ve never touched myself, so they can just be overwritten with the new ‘.rpmnew’. But others were hand crafted and require precise editing to insert the new stuff from ‘.rpmnew’ without losing my tuning.

My Question :

Is there any tool to assist / automate the task of merging the change in the config files ?
Something similar to Gentoo’s etc-update ?

On 2013-03-28 15:06, dr-yak wrote:

> After the upgrade process I have a bunch of “.rpmnew” config files left
> all over.


> (Well that was expected: some software had major upgrade and have
> new/different formats of config files).

> Some files i’ve never touched myself, so they can just be overwritten
> with the new ‘.rpmnew’.

Yes, and these it is a bug, IMHO, that those config files were not
simply replaced.

> But others were hand crafted and require precise
> editing to insert the new stuff from ‘.rpmnew’ without losing my tuning.


> My_Question:_
> Is there any tool to assist / automate the task of merging the change
> in the config files ?

Not to my knowledge. I make a backup copy of both old and new files,
then I use ‘meld’ to open both files and make the needed corrections.

I documented the process here:

Offline upgrade

I know you did a live upgrade, but the processing of the config files is
the same.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)