Just installed Aeon on my main laptop and I do think it is the perfect distro for me. However over time I still tend to make a mess of my $HOME after trying out different stuff in distrobox. I do manage all the dotfiles that matter for me using chezmoi. My questions is now if there is a simple command/way to just restore my $HOME to the bare minimum that is the same state as a clean install of Aeon would give me without reinstalling?
Hello and welcome to the openSUSE forums.
You seem to ask a serious technical question. But this “Open Chat” is not really the place for it. Many people will restrict themselves to answering with help in the technical help forums and never look here. In your case “Install/Boot/Login” seems to be the place.
I do not know peculiarities of Aeon, But when working in a normal Unix/Linux environment, I would (as system manager thus root
of course) remove the user (and use the option to delete all it’s files) and then creating the user anew.
This has indeed nothing to do with installing the system.
I do think that user management in Aeon do not work in the same way. Actions I do using useradd/delete will just be restored when i reboot if I understand correct. The reason I asked here was because I did not find a good category as you pointed out the Install/Boot/Login might not be the best. However I will post this question there instead since it is not a General Question either.
Pls any admin can remove this post, did not find a way to delete is on my own.
Better not start a new topic, but alert staff through the “flag” (maybe you have to click the … first to get it).
Well, I can do the flagging for you.
I can not find any option to flag? Maybe it is not available for the one creating the topic?
I repeat: it is under the … at the ottom right of every post.
But I have already flagged it.
Sorry about the confusion. Got the answer here.
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