Resizing software RAID

I’m using software RAID with this configure:
100 MiB RAID 1 boot
1 GiB RAID 1 swap
30 GiB RAID 0 root
Rest RAID 0 home
I’m using 2 hard drive with capacity of 500 GiB, I want to resize root partition to 12 GiB without losing my data on home partition, Can I unmount root and home partition from RAID and resize them without losing data? If not please give me a method? TNX

On 02/08/2011 10:06 PM, Deathmachine wrote:
> I want to resize root partition to 12 GiB without
> losing my data… without losing data?

no matter what anyone says: before running a partitioner it is always
good practice to make a backup of all data you don’t want to risk…

in fact: it is always wise to have at least one off machine back up
of all important data…some folks say that you must also have a
geographically dispersed copy…so, (say) if your house burns down
you still have a copy…


[NNTP posted w/openSUSE 11.3, KDE4.5.5, Thunderbird3.0.11, nVidia
173.14.28 3D, Athlon 64 3000+]
“It is far easier to read, understand and follow the instructions than
to undo the problems caused by not.” DD 23 Jan 11

I wouldn’t mind having a backup copy of my house. lol!