You don’t say how long you have been using this setup, but it does not tell the whole story. /dev/sda6 & sda7 are logical partitions which means there is an extended partition. Since Logical partitions normally start at /dev/sda5, is there a 5 or was it removed at some time? It would be easier to remove logical /dev/sda6 & sda7, remove the extended partition which is /dev/sda3 or /dev/sda4, don’t know which, then resize the Windows smaller, down to 70-80 GB, recreate the extended partition and then reinstall openSUSE. Be aware that for openSUSE to boot, from /dev/sda7, the Grub Boot loader must be loaded into the MBR. If you remove openSUSE, nothing will boot until you reinstall openSUSE. My suggestion is to resize Windows first, making it smaller, make sure to have a working openSUSE 12.1 LiveCD that boots, then remove all of openSUSE, perhaps backing up anything important first, then do a reinstall of openSUSE as you wish.
Please when you post computer output, include the prompt and the command that generated this. It is only one line more and it tells so much to others.
Now we have to guess what this listing is. The output you provide seems to be a listing of file systems that are known (mounted) to the then running system. It does tell almost nothing about your partition setup. For that we need an
It’s the output of df. But the OP could have posted the command as well. It was the right command though. This one would also have removed the irrelevant lines:
Its a dell computer that came preinstalled with windows vista. I installed opensuse on it last year but vista was using all the primary partitions so i deleted the recovery partition that came with vista. Not sure what happened sda5 thats just the way it installed.
I would not recommend that because nothing there is protected by the Linux file protection mechanisms and thus end-users could destroy your MS Windows OS easily. Also when mounted at /windows/C it is not realy an extension to any users space. That can of course be redressed with symbol links from somewhere within the users home directory, but iot is then easy for the user to forget where he is and again the NTFS partition will have different features then a Linux fs (uppercase/lower/case?) which will hit the user when nopt expected.
IMHO one should only use NTFS (and friends) file systems to exchange files with non Linux systems. Not as data space for the Linux system.
Ok you have 3 primary so you can add one more so resize Windows in windows and then add a new 30 gig partition in the space after the
this I think will get a number of 8 then you can format and mount that as /vm or something. then tel the VM manager to put the VM image in the /vm directory.
Much easier then to try fooling around with resizing and repositioning the extended partition.
On 2012-06-19 20:16, Noob Za1boot wrote:
> robin_listas;2470036 Wrote:
>> It is easier to simply store things in the Windows partition.
> I can do that? The reason i want the extra 20gig is because i want to
> add a virtual machine using virtualbox with 20 gig space for it.
Yes, it is possible.
For example, if you have this structure:
Then you can create in your “/home/user/” a symlink that points to another
directory in “/windows/C”. For example:
/home/user/data → /windows/C/data
This way you can store there data, big files. Yes, it is true that those
files will bypass the Linux permissions, ie, whom they belong to, or who
has read or write access to them. However, if it is your personal computer,
that is of no consequence. I do that in my own laptop.
Usage for a virtual machine? Possible, but that I would not recommend,
because the ntfs-3g driver is slower than those for native Linux
filesystems. If it is for a trial or temporary use, yes, of course.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
> How do i go about creating the new partition. Can i do it in opensuse?
Actually, in Windows
You tell Windows to reduce the size of its own “disk”, and leave free space
(Windows help says how). When done, you boot Linux, start the partitioner
(in yast) and tell it to create a new partition in that free space and
partition it as ext3 or 4; in that same partitioner you tell it to mount
the new partition anywhere, like for example, “/data/virtual”.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
On 2012-06-20 04:16, please try again wrote:
> You will have to reinstall grub.
For adding a new partition? :-?
Why, if you don’t touch the mbr or the partition where grub should be? Ah,
you mean… if grub is in the mbr and the menu file is in partition such,
and this number changes… yes, you are right, in that case grub would have
to be reinstalled.
Good catch.
On the other hand, if the mbr is generic, as no primary changes number,
only size, then grub should work.
Ah, and also I goofed something else: after making space in the Windows
partition, that space can not go into an extended partition, will have to
be a primary. Fortunately, #4 is available.
Life is complicated… and advising from a chair comfort is dangerous.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
All right. If Grub is in MBR and the partition number of stage2 (usually the root partition) has changed, You have to reinstall Grub in MBR in order to rewrite stage 1.5. The number of the partition is the result of this command + 1 (in kernel notation):
hexdump -s 1049 -n 1 -v -e '"%d"' /dev/sda
(in case we’re dealing with sda)
If Grub in NOT in MBR, it has to be reinstalled if the offset of stage2 has changed (because you moved the partition but not only. However if you moved the partition, it is obvious). This offset is written in 4 bytes at offset 68 of the boot loader (stage1)
hexdump -v -s 68 -n 4 -e '"%u"' /dev/sda3
findgrub -v would print this value.
I would just encourage anyone who doesn’t know what we’re talking about here to simply reinstall Grub after adding, moving or resizing partitions, in order to make sure that Linux will boot, no matter where Grub is installed.
In this case, Grub is in the extended partition. Otherwise why would this partition have the bootflag?