Repositories Check, Please

Long time lurker, first time poster - I’ll post an introduction a bit later this morning in the proper forum.

I read the wiki and forums prior to making the changes below to get an idea of what to expect even though I’ve been using openSUSE regularly since 12.2 and dabbled with one or two of the 11 series always finding openSUSE solid and straightforward as a distro. I even upgraded 12.3 to Tumbleweed and used it for a few months last winter then dropped it back again just to see if it worked. It did.

Last night I upgraded my fresh install of 13.2 with MATE desktop to Tumbleweed, using the information here without any problems. That’s the one thing I like most about openSUSE - just install it and use it. :slight_smile:

Here’s a copy of my repos

sludgebucket:~ # zypper lr -u
# | Alias               | Name                             | Enabled | Refresh | URI                                                                              
1 | X11:MATE:Current    | X11:MATE:Current                 | Yes     | Yes     |
2 | openSUSE:Tumbleweed | openSUSE:Tumbleweed              | Yes     | Yes     |         
3 | repo-debug_1        | openSUSE:Tumbleweed-repo-debug   | Yes     | Yes     |                               
4 | repo-non-oss_1      | openSUSE:Tumbleweed-repo-non-oss | Yes     | Yes     |                             
5 | repo-oss_1          | openSUSE:Tumbleweed-repo-oss     | Yes     | Yes     |                                 
sludgebucket:~ # 

My first question concerns repo 1, MATE:Current - especially this part openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ . Is it correct? Am I OK to use it once everything becomes synced?
My second question concerns repo 2, Tumbleweed - especially this part *standard/ *. Once again: Is it correct? Am I OK to use it once everything becomes synced?

These were created by my laptop, an ASUS U36SG-AS71, during “zypper dup”. The only changes I made were in the names of the repos to something more to my liking. If there’s any further information or clarification of the issue anyone needs I’ll be happy to supply it. I think I asked this clearly… :\

IMHO, you do not need it at all.
You should get the latest MATE updates via Tumbleweed anyway, as MATE is part of the distribution since a few months.

My second question concerns repo 2, Tumbleweed - especially this part *standard/ *. Once again: Is it correct? Am I OK to use it once everything becomes synced?

You mean repo#2?
No, remove that.

This is the old Tumbleweed repo, which is empty now.
As it is empty, it shouldn’t cause any problems, but it might get removed at some point, giving you errors when zypper wants to refresh the repos.

And because you asked “Am I OK to use it once everything becomes synced?” in both places:
You don’t have to wait until “everything becomes synced”. Everything is synced already.

Done and done. Thank you, wolfi323. Can we mark this as solved?