Repo problem

Not sure what is going on here. But when I try and update my daughters netbook through LXTerminal I get this:

- Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Could not resolve host:

I get the same when I go through YaST. But the odd thing is I don’t get this when I use the Xterm.

I’m using 13.1 with LXDE. So far it all seems to work fine. But it just getting a little annoying. Any ideas of what is going on would be great.

Well the error is pretty clear, curl tries to lookup d.o.o and fails so the issue is with name resolving - what DNS servers do you use?

Also do you use a proxy server?

I agree wiith you, but the strange thing is that he reposrts that doing it from xterm he does not get the error.

I was thinking that maybe there is a proxy server in use but xterm does not honour/use the http_proxy parameter or then there is a temporary issue with DNS resolving.

Just a guess :slight_smile:

On 2014-07-18 11:06, hcvv wrote:
> Miuku;2654644 Wrote:
>> Well the error is pretty clear, curl tries to lookup d.o.o and fails so
>> the issue is with name resolving - what DNS servers do you use?
>> Also do you use a proxy server?
> I agree wiith you, but the strange thing is that he reposrts that doing
> it from xterm he does not get the error.

Thee is another strange thing:

Error message: Could not resolve host:]

Why is there a bracket at the end of the message? Where is the opening
bracket? Is this just a paste error, or is it indicative of “something”?

I would pipe the environment on both terminals to files, and compare
them, and see the difference, if any.

I use a laptop with LXDE, I think, and I have a little problem with it
that might be related: if I use “su -” in the terminal and call a
graphical program it fails, no X. The trick I found is, instead of “su
-”, use:

ssh -X root@localhost

which works perfectly.

Is this related? Not sure. Maybe LXDE does weird things with the

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

That ] was the result of sloppy addition of CODE tags. It is repaired in the meantime.

On 2014-07-18 14:46, hcvv wrote:

> That ] was the result of sloppy addition of CODE tags. It is repaired in
> the meantime.

Ah, ok, noted.

I can’t check the web side at the moment, I’m temporarily on a 1
GB/month cap.

Still, the comments about learning about the differing environment are
valid - so please JudasDisciple, find out :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

Sorry guys for the late reply. It’s all a bit odd. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t. I never get this problem on my laptop that runs 13.1 with KDE. So it has got be wondering whether it could actually be a hardware problem rather then a software problem.

As it is it seems to be running fine… ish. I’ll let you guys know for any further development.

Edited: I am still learning all these different codes so bear with me.

Okay. Now I used zypper through LxTerminal with no problem. But when I try and install new software via YaST I get the same problem.

And now that I’ve installed the same program via lxterminal it works straight away. What… The…

First time I’ve ever installed anything via zypper as well.