Yesterday, I attempted to install openSUSE 11.1 64-bit onto a 8GB flash drive, thinking that I could create a portable OS.
This, unfortunately, did not work (It only works on my laptop, which I think also relates to the multi-boot files), and now I cannot boot Windows Vista on my laptop without the flash drive in to pull up GRUB.
At this point, I just want to install openSUSE 11.1 directly onto my hard drive, how do I remove the original multi-booting files off of my Vista OS/hard drive?
I would really like some help with this issue. So far, I’ve read of one remedy of removing the dual-booting files in Windows Vista:
Boot using setup DVD and click on “Repair Computer” link, then click on “Command Prompt”. Now navigate to your DVD drive using CD command and at last provide following command:
bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr
I put in CD E: bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr in command prompt, and it says it cannot find the path specified.