Remove program

How to removw program on Opensuse 12.3 with Yast?

In KDE, you start YaST, Enter Root Password, Select Software then Software Management. In Software Management, elect to search on the program name. If installed, it will be near the top of the list with a check on the left of its name. Normally, unless a program is not working, you are running low on disk space or is causing a problem with something else, uninstalling things might cause yet other stuff to not work, so be careful on what you uncheck (Right Click on the checked name and select the read X for Delete). Press the Accept button on the bottom right when you are ready for your Delete request to be carried out.

Thank You,

On 2013-09-24 02:46, rositsetiawan wrote:
> How to removw program on Opensuse 12.3 with Yast?


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

rositsetiawan wrote:
> How to removw program on Opensuse 12.3 with Yast?
open YaST installer (Install/Remove Software) and then search for
required software and uncheck and finally apply.

Note:- You can generally un-install applications(like libreoffice,games
etc) but be careful lest you may remove system components like zypper.
Randomly un-installing stuff may render openSUSE useless. For example:-
you shouldn’t remove packages named kernel,gdm,kdm etc…

GNOME 3.6.2
openSUSE Release 12.3 (Dartmouth) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.7.10-1.16-desktop