Remove Driver/hardware

How do delete a driver / hardware from suse? I am having major issues.

I have a Wireless card installed and suse picked up the wrong driver on install. So I want to remove it and put in the new one. But I have no idea how. Is it in Yast? Is it a command line? I have no idea. Please help

Phat32 wrote:
> How do delete a driver / hardware from suse? I am having major issues.
> I have a Wireless card installed and suse picked up the wrong driver on
> install. So I want to remove it and put in the new one. But I have no
> idea how. Is it in Yast? Is it a command line? I have no idea. Please
> help

To unload a driver, use the command ‘sudo /sbin/modprobe -rv <driver
name>’. To keep it out, add it to the blacklist file


How do I get the driver name?

Phat32 wrote:
> How do I get the driver name?

How do you know the wrong one loaded if you don’t know the name?

YaST’s “Hardware Information” will show you what kernel driver is used
by each of your PCI and USB devices. The command lsmod will show you
what modules are loaded.

There has to be a graphical way to do these type of tasks.

typing is faster. for instance I type slowly, about 45 WPM, so in essence I can input halve that commands in a minute where as I probably, in most cases, could not perform 20 commands per minute with a mouse especially when in term you can preform a wide variety of tasks without leaving the prompt.