Reiser experience

not sure where to put this really, so i hope its ok here.

I recently had my system running on reiser as my primary fs. Its not bad, but i noticed that it had some lag issues. Especially with database or copying from harddrive to harddrive.
Accessing small files were quicker than with ext4 in my experience but the offset with the lag made it a poor choice for me.

Are my finding valid, or is it just my system somehow?

Now i switched to ext3 since under ext4 some file went corrupt for some reason.
I am happy for now and everything works like it should and no lag issue.

I recently read on the ubuntu forum that there are some plans to switch to btrfs, but that seems to be only a rumor.
Are they any plans for suse? Or will it stay with ext4 for the future.

Btrfs is still marked as experimental and therefore it’s not good for everyday use. When it goes stable there are plans to make it the default linux filesystem but thats not 100% sure. There are plans to make it default filesystem in Ubuntu but this will be in 2011. There is plenty of information about this just search “btrfs” :wink:

Reiser was optimised for small files; so your experience matches the designer’s intention.

is there a good strategy for filesystems? Or are you better off with a standard like ext.
From what i read, jfs or xfs are more for servers. So it might not nesseceraly benefit the average user.

And since he is now doing time for murder there is little prospect of improvement.

There are strategies for different types of use. Ext4 offers the best compromise for a single traditional hard drive. It also offers the easiest upgrade from Ext2 and Ext3 as Google has found. For SSDs there are several options which minimise ‘wear’; for larger systems, especially those involved in lots of transactions, btrfs or xfs could be better.

On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 03:36 +0000, yester64 wrote:
> Hi,
> not sure where to put this really, so i hope its ok here.
> I recently had my system running on reiser as my primary fs. Its not
> bad, but i noticed that it had some lag issues. Especially with database
> or copying from harddrive to harddrive.
> Accessing small files were quicker than with ext4 in my experience but
> the offset with the lag made it a poor choice for me.
> Are my finding valid, or is it just my system somehow?

Well… can’t say. Not sure what “lag” means. In general, we’ve been
pleased with reiserfs. We have probably over 50TB worth of reiserfs

What do we like? Reiserfs works VERY well with LVM and growing
filesystems is FAST and easy.

Ext3 (in SOME circumstances) can be grown online, but it can be VERY
slow due to the static nature of things in its design.

> Now i switched to ext3 since under ext4 some file went corrupt for some
> reason.

Ext4, while “blessed” (because it’s a Red Hat thing), hasn’t had a lot
of time to mature yet. There have been MANY fairly serious fixes for
ext4 even over the past year.

> I am happy for now and everything works like it should and no lag
> issue.

ext3 has some maturity… and works for most people. Just not quite as
flexible as reiserfs, but as you noted, some things are not well suited
for reiserfs (again, not sure what “lag” means).

> I recently read on the ubuntu forum that there are some plans to switch
> to btrfs, but that seems to be only a rumor.
> Are they any plans for suse? Or will it stay with ext4 for the future.

I think btrfs is the future… however, it has a WAY to go. Eventually,
I’m hoping we’ll be able to move away from reiserfs and onto btrfs. We
can’t really consider ext3/4, there’s just too much feature loss.

AFAIK, btrfs is being considered by multiple distros as the “future”
default filesystem, including openSUSE.

Ext4 is ok… just realize that it’s really just catching up to where
filesystem technology already WAS. There’s nothing revolutionary about
ext4. It’s just ext3 plus features that other filesystems have had for
6-8 years already.

So… will it be btrfs? Should we all use XFS? Maybe nilfs2? There
are lots of variables out there right now.

Do I think ext4 is the “future”… NO… absolutely, positively, NO.

Do I think that there will be even MORE “future” filesystems over the
next year or so besides ones mentioned here… YES, definitely yes.

IMHO, the next generation filesystem will handle LARGE scale filesystems
better, perhaps with object style replication across nodes, clustering,
etc. None of the available filesystems TODAY deal with large
filesystems (>2TB) effectively. I’m pretty sure that the winner(s) will
be the ones that can delete TBs worth of data in a second or two.

It may well be that log based filesystems like nilfs2 are the wave of
the future… just not sure if that one is the one that will make it.
IMHO, I like some of the ideas, but they need to be combined with some
other ideas with regards to handling of metadata (and others if
clustering, multi-node, etc are to be handled… exofs based

IMHO, I’d like to see such a “golden” filesystem created with
distributed object based block handling and auto distributed object
mirroring and reconstruction with better/faster metadata handling… AND
have it called ninafs (for hopefully obvious reasons).

On Sat, 2010-05-22 at 03:26 +0000, Dwarfer99 wrote:
> john_hudson;2167454 Wrote:
> > Reiser was optimised for small files; so your experience matches the
> > designer’s intention.
> And since he is now doing time for murder there is little prospect of
> improvement.

Strangely, work does continue on Reiser4 without the madman genious of
Hans. Just not sure if it will be the “winner” with regards to the
future of Linux distro filesystems.

xfs is the best for large files , e.g. streaming media , images, etc etc. I have not yet seen a filesystem that can compare on that end. Oh the snapshot options are quite nice too. Like you said though most of the niceties are only in Server environments. ext3 / 4 , well some others have said it’s mostly a red-hat thing but, it is a very good all rounder, good enough for google than good enough for most implementations asfaik. Also awhile back there were some kernel code problems with reiser , cant remember exactly what or it being accepted . Don’t have the article at hand. Again others have mentioned btrfs supposedly the next best thing. imho to bad nothing really ever came of zfs like in Solaris :wink: As far as lag goes , depends on what you are doing , databases, web, whatever. Many tuning options for the different filesystems out there.

ZFS can’t be incorporated as is into Linux because its license isn’t compatible with GPL. However it seems btrfs will have similar ideas.

ken yap wrote:
> ZFS can’t be incorporated as is into Linux because its license isn’t
> compatible with GPL. However it seems btrfs will have similar ideas.

While it IS true that it CANNOT be distributed… if your use is strictly
internal, ZFS could be incorporated (if somebody does the work) without a problem.

Yes, but that means you would have to fix any bugs yourself or at least within your organisation. And since it isn’t in the mainstream the kernel maintainers could break (without malice) your changes with new releases, requiring you to constantly repatch. All of which partly defeat the idea of communal open source.

BTRFS might see its first starring role in Ubuntu 10.10, not sure on other distros though.

ken yap wrote:
> Yes, but that means you would have to fix any bugs yourself or at least
> within your organisation. And since it isn’t in the mainstream the
> kernel maintainers could break (without malice) your changes with new
> releases, requiring you to constantly repatch. All of which partly
> defeat the idea of communal open source.

True… I was just trying to point out a common misconception when dealing with
Linux in particular with regards to what you can and cannot do with it.