Reinstalling the latest kernel in 13.1

The hard drive holding my OS 13.1 /boot partition died on me but I had a backup and a spare drive. After installing the backup /boot partition and re-initializing grub I was able to boot again into OS 13.1.

However because my /boot partition backup was a little old I now have run into a problem. I cannot boot into the latest kernel but I can boot into the one before the latest. The grub menu does show the latest kernel bu when I try booting into it a message says that it cannot be found. When I then choose the kernel before the latest I can boot successfully. So something is out of sync between the grub menu items and the actual latest kernel. It seem to me that I should be able to straighten this out in Yast by re-installing the latest kernel. How do I do that ? Or how do I straighten out this problem in any other way ?

The kernel itself is kept in /boot. So even though you still have the latest kernel package installed, the kernel (in /boot) is missing.

It seem to me that I should be able to straighten this out in Yast by re-installing the latest kernel. How do I do that ? Or how do I straighten out this problem in any other way ?

To reinstall the kernel package, which will copy the kernel to /boot again:

sudo zypper in -f kernel-desktop-3.11.10-11.1

(or similar)

You can also do that in YaST->Software Management. Just select the kernel package (kernel-desktop f.e.), click on “Versions” below the package list, and click on the box next to the latest version until it shows a green up-arrow with a tick (which actually means “Update”, but is a re-install in this case).

Or download the rpm, open it with an Archiver like Ark or file-roller, and extract the corresponding files in /boot.

On 2014-06-04 23:16, eldiener wrote:
> The hard drive holding my OS 13.1 /boot partition died on me but I had a
> backup and a spare drive. After installing the backup /boot partition
> and re-initializing grub I was able to boot again into OS 13.1.

Verify that /boot is not full.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Worked great ! Thanks !