RedHat Satellite

I am trying to connect the repo containing IMGUI to redhat satellite due to some of our C++/Imbedded engineers needing the program on-site.

Does anyone know what URL I need for satellite to grab onto so they can pull the RPM packages directly without having to download all of the requirements manually and upload them into satellite?

You tagged this as “other” (thus no openSUSE version at all) and only name “redhat”. I assume you are wrong here. Except when you can give a better explanation about which openSUSE is involved from your side.

IDK about compatibility with openSUSE. You can use openSUSE/SUSE tools to deal with openSUSE.

Some of our engineers like the products that were included within SUSE and we are on a rhel based ecosystem due to licensing and beurocracy. The repo downloads site is not listed as one of the toggle options for opening a ticket. I was asking if anyone’s had any success getting products from their rhel repos within their download site attached to RHEL Satellite.

You can assume anything’s wrong but that doesn’t mean it is. Understanding what one is asking of and what’s within the site before resorting to denegration would make this seem less aggressive.

I also posted to RHEL’s forums. Its more of a post in both areas and hopefully someone else has had a similar issue of connecting the repo directly to satellite.

I do appreciate your answer!

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