Recovering from a Crash

Opensuse 12.3

It’ more than just a crash. The dumb thing won’t power up for any length of time.
It’s a Toshiba Satellite Pro and I suspect that heat eventually wore down some component.
I let it sit over night and it powered up this morning. I got past the login and started to run a software update and it shut off.
From that point until now, it will not power up.
It is maybe 5 years old and I don’t want to throw anymore $$$ a it so I ordered a new Dell laptop today.
A Dell Inspiron 15.6-Inch Laptop (i15RV-954BLK)
My question is this. The disk in the Toshiba is a SSD and will I be able to swap it into the Dell and have it boot up without too much of a hassle ? Or should I go ahead and install Opensuse on the Dell. I think it has Windows 8.
I am not interested in Win 8 so wiping it clean will be ok with me.


On Wed, 21 May 2014 01:16:02 +0000, hextejas wrote:

> My question is this. The disk in the Toshiba is a SSD and will I be able
> to swap it into the Dell and have it boot up without too much of a
> hassle ?

It’ll probably at least boot, unless the drive is part of what’s failing
in the Toshiba. Can’t hurt to try it and see, as long as the connector
is appropriate in the Dell.

You may have some hardware compatibility issues with video (in
particular), but my experience in moving images from one system to
another has been generally good. Be aware that if you’re booting by
label, you might actually have better luck than by device, since the
label should stay the same moving to the new system.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

You need to open it up and clean the dirt off the heatsink, the fan(s), and the air holes on the case. They are clogged.

After that, it should continue running just fine.

But, for a Toshiba, get the instructions for opening it up that far. It can be tricky and could be a disaster if you do not have exact instructions.

Google for the instructions.

Perhaps off topic, but… I recently bought a new laptop that came with Win 8 installed. Before I ever turned it on, I replaced the hard drive with a new one. I have a brand new Win 8 - not registered version - sitting on a new clean drive, sitting in the box the replacement came in. I installed openSUSE on the replacement drive. If I decide I don’t like the new machine, I feel it has a much greater resale value with the original drive put back than with a wiped hard drive. Just sayin’


I should have probably done it this way but it never occurred to me.
What I wound up doing was this:
I took the Tosh apart, cleaned it up and still no love.

I put the SSD into the new Dell and the Dell struggled with it, displaying some kind of media error and “no bootable operating system” message. This was before I knew about UEFI and legacy booting stuff.
Well, I gave up on the SSD, took it out, put the Dell drive back in and eventually installed Opensuse 13.1 on to it. I should have left the SSD in and done the install of 13.1 to it but I was trying to preserve 12.3 and all the customizations…
Ah well. It was during the exercise to get the Dell to boot from the 13.1 installation DVD that I had to fiddle with the booting that would have led to keeping the Dell HD in its original state.
Frankly I was getting so frustrated in trying to get the cover plate back on the Dell that there was no way I was going to take it apart again unless absolutely necessary.

Anyhow, 13.1 is now happily humming along and I must say that the installation was a **WHOLE LOT LESS PAINFULL ** than 12.3. Kudos guys, especially the bits dealing with the networking.

On Wed, 21 May 2014 01:16:02 GMT, hextejas
<> wrote:

>Opensuse 12.3
>It’ more than just a crash. The dumb thing won’t power up for any length
>of time.
>It’s a Toshiba Satellite Pro and I suspect that heat eventually wore
>down some component.
>I let it sit over night and it powered up this morning. I got past the
>login and started to run a software update and it shut off.
>From that point until now, it will not power up.
>It is maybe 5 years old and I don’t want to throw anymore $$$ a it so I
>ordered a new Dell laptop today.
>A Dell Inspiron 15.6-Inch Laptop (i15RV-954BLK)
>My question is this. The disk in the Toshiba is a SSD and will I be able
>to swap it into the Dell and have it boot up without too much of a
>hassle ? Or should I go ahead and install Opensuse on the Dell. I think
>it has Windows 8.
>I am not interested in Win 8 so wiping it clean will be ok with me.

Open it up and vacuum the dust and junk out of it, and try again.
