Recommendation for a programme to merge mpeg files together

I am after a programme that will allow me to create a mpeg file from a small number of mpeg video files and to trim the content of some of these.

All suggestions gratefully received.

You do not say if you want a gui program or a cli program, for
concatenating videos I use avidemux (there is a gtk and a qt version for
the gui).

PC: oS 12.2 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.8.5 | GeForce GT 420
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.2 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.9.2 | HD 3000
eCAFE 800: oS 11.4 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | lamp server

There’s so much to consider, summarized: what has to be merged, what needs to be done afterwards?

Playable on a DVD player? Devede
As a base for a real video project? Kdenlive
Just concatenating to replace a lot of files by one big one? Avidemux from cli

And so on and so on. Check PackMan :: Paketliste

Thanks for your posts.

Sorry for not being very clear. It is just five mpeg videos that I want to merge together to make one mpeg video (not a dvd) and also to trim some of the footage from some of the videos. I am using opensuse 12.3 ms 0 64 bit kde. Would like a programme with the a gui - so is it kdenlive your recommendation?

Many thanks

I think kdenlive is overkill for that simple task, install avidemux-qt
and have a look it is very simple, beside its name it is of course
capable handling mpeg files as input and output.

PC: oS 12.2 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.8.5 | GeForce GT 420
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.2 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.9.2 | HD 3000
eCAFE 800: oS 11.4 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | lamp server

Many thanks Martin