reboot problem

Shutting down the systems always works perfectly, but restarting always failed.

It loads dracut and stops with the fallowing message

/sbin/ line 7 Read only file system

/lib/ line 1088 /.profile read-only file system

Using the shell I tried to reboot but

failed to unlink reboot parameter file read only file system

and halt

failed to connect to bus: Connection refused

so I used the reset button.

Please help I don’t want to damage my file system

OS: Tumbleweed:
4.11.8-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jun 29 14:37:33 UTC 2017 (42bd7a0) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

You have an alternative kernel to try in Grub

Yes, so what?

How you restart it?

Using the shell I tried to reboot … and halt

Using dracut shell? Please describe what you do so that others can also understand it, otherwise it is rather hard to guess what happens.

Shutting down the system always works perfectly, but restarting always failed. (using menu or typing reboot or sudo init 6, obviously)


It loads dracut and stops with the fallowing message

dracut: Warning:
/sbin/ line 7 Read only file system
/lib/ line 1088 /.profile read-only file system

Using the DRACUT shell I tried to reboot but

# reboot
failed to unlink reboot parameter file read only file system

and typing halt

# halt
failed to connect to bus: Connection refused


so I pressed the reset button.

Please help I don’t want to damage my file system

OS: Tumbleweed:
4.11.8-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jun 29 14:37:33 UTC 2017 (42bd7a0) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux[/QUOTE]

This is likely rdsosreport.txt. Please try to pay attention to details, otherwise it quickly becomes “garbage in - garbage out”.

/lib/ line 1088 /.profile read-only file system

That’s rather interesting. This line is in dracut branch for non-systemd initrd. Could you upload “lsinitrd /boot/path-to-your-initrd” to

Yes, you are right typo error

cat /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt
cat: /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt: No such file or directory

This is the lsinitrd

and this is the error screen:

So it is apparently during shutdown, not during boot after restart. Someone reported problems during shutdown in recent TW as well. Could you try disable (and stop) dracut-shutdown.service and report if it changes anything?

Perpetual shutdown …
Shows the shutdown TW screen and does nothing. I can only change screens with F1 ~ F12
F1 shows shutdown TW screen
F2 ~ F11 are black
F12 shows init messages
ESC does not work

Could be ?

I don’t see any relevance with my problem

It probably would timeout at some point. Booting with “plymouth.enable=0” and without “quiet” on kernel command line may give some more hints what’s going on. Of course, the first step is to reduce complexity - boot into run level 3 so output is not obscured by eye candy, Unfortunately unless someone will be able to reproduce it, further debugging without some means to capture console output during shutdown is not feasible. If you have second system, you may try to setup netconsole (see; then we can try to get some more information. Or use serial console if you have serial port in both systems and suitable cable.

Anyway I suppose you better enable service again :slight_smile:

Hmm … what is output of “aa-status”?

apparmor module is loaded.
47 profiles are loaded.
47 profiles are in enforce mode.
0 profiles are in complain mode.
9 processes have profiles defined.
9 processes are in enforce mode.
/usr/lib/colord (1479)
/usr/sbin/avahi-daemon (1458)
/usr/sbin/nscd (1370)
/usr/sbin/ntpd (1630)
/usr/sbin/ntpd (1678)
/usr/sbin/smbd (2169)
/usr/sbin/smbd (2174)
/usr/sbin/smbd (2175)
/usr/sbin/smbd (2208)
0 processes are in complain mode.
0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.

I wonder why shutting down the machine goes smooth, but when I reboot it cannot shut down !

I’ve tried with level 3, same perpetual shutdown screen again as there is no dracut

Even after re-enabling service again?

You then tried the alternate kernel


cat /proc/cmdline

BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.11.8-1-default root=/dev/mapper/fast0-root resume=/dev/fast0/swap splash=silent quiet showopts resume=/dev/fast0/swap splash=silent quiet showopts