Re: Desktop Panel.

Dear All,

Can some1 suggest me how to bring back the panel on my desktop which had the shorcuts for My Computer, Documents…etc. I am not able to bring it back.


Depending on whether you use kde or gnome, delete/rename the hidden file .kde… or .gnome… in your home folder.
Logout and login and it will return your desktop to default settings.

Can you let me know more in details how to delete or remane the files, since i am very new to linux & i dont’ know much about it.

I use KDE 4.1 & i have already logout & login couple of times, but the panel has not reapear.


I tried to delete the files, but immediately new file is created for .kde. Kindly let me know how to do.

Let me know how to create the shortcut on the desktop.


Try following the rest of whych’s reply? (Logout and back in)

I tried to delete the files but it created new one immediately, i even tried to login couple of times, but the panel was not created on the desktop.

Do suggest…

login into kde3 or gnome then delete or rename the folder then log into kde4 again and you need to rename the .kde4 folder not the .kde to reset your kde4.1

OK i’ll try, but pl let me know deleting .kde folders will not delete my mails in Kmail.
