I can create the imge on an SD card.
Installing the openSUSE Tumbleweed Image
- Download the latest image at http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/ARM:/Factory:/Contrib:/RaspberryPi2/images/
- JeOS image for a minimal system openSUSE-Tumbleweed-ARM-JeOS-raspberrypi-*.raw.xz
- As root
extract the image onto your SD-Card (replace sdX with the device name of your SD-Card). WARNING: all previous data on the SD-Card will be lost.
xzcat [image].raw.xz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdX; sync
It gives me a login cursor.
I can reboot and get a failure (listing below), or zypper in yast2 and lxde and xorg etc etc and still get the same failure.
Tried a few workarounds, and am completely stumped.
The temptation is to give up and stay with noobs, but since I have opensuse on the B+ I would like to have the armv7 work as well.
So can anyone suggest any steps to resolve the problems
Like the missing linux.vmx, can it be created or dummied up?
The bad partition seems strange as I have the 4 partitions. …
First start / Login
The SD card is formatted with GPT (GUID Partition Table). After the first start with this SD card, the card will be repartitioned by the image to have 4 partitions:
- a small FAT partition
- a small EXT3 partition
- a large EXT4 partition (takes whatever the other 3 leave behind)
- a SWAP partition.
Finally I have installed yast2 firstboot, but it seems to have no effect.
NB: I have used SuSE from version 6.0 upto Tumbleweed 13.2 so I have really tried.
Net: Net Initialization Skipped
**No ethernet found **
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1…
Found U-boot script /boot.scr
113 bytes read in 15ms (6.8 kb/s)
##Executing script at 00000000
2718 bytes read in 45ms (58.6kb/s)
**##Executing script at 00000200 **
Switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
##File not found boot/linux.vmx##
Script Failed: Continuing…
##Bad partition specification mmc 0:0:2##
##Bad partition specification mmc 0:0:2##
##Bad partition specification mmc 0:0:2##
##Error “bootcmd_firstboot” not defined##
##Error “bootcmd_firstboot” not defined##
##Error “bootcmd_firstboot” not defined##