questions regarding xorg.conf

HI all, has been a while since have posted on here. Have installed suse 12.1 on a p4 machine and it has an ati radeon 7000 agp graphics card. I know that it will use the generic radeon driver, but would like to tweak configuration for better performance under kde. Now it seems things have changed with regards to configuring graphics cards and file!

If someone can just confirm what have found out: that the xorg.conf file no longer exists? Is now located under /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf?

If this is now so, how does on add in extra configuration options for the graphics card now?

either works ie xorg.conf or the files in xorg.conf.d

On 2012-08-17 20:26, firestomper412 wrote:

> If someone can just confirm what have found out: that the xorg.conf
> file no longer exists?

The file exists if you create it. :slight_smile:
And it is used then.

> Is now located under
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf?

Those files are another method of doing the same, and several small files make for easier handling
by the packager.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 “Asparagus” GM (bombadillo))

You can add the same options in this file that you would use in the Device section of xorg.conf … or you can create /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a Device - and probably a Monitor section.

> If this is now so, how does on add in extra configuration options for
> the graphics card now?

just go here and follow your nose:
