Questions from a newbie

Hello all.

I am new to openSUSE and I have some question about it.

For the past two days ive been trying to get Ubuntu 10.04 to work but it has been nothing but frustration. I couldnt get the gpu driver to work and i could get the sound to work. Regarding drivers i was trying to install the Nvidia 195 drivers but they just didnt seem to agree. About the sound i have no idea on what to do to fix it. So i was wondering, are there any specific steps i need to take to get the gpu drivers to work and have 3D acceleration and what can i do to get the sound to work. And also what can i do to get the wireless to work.

Oh and my laptop is a Sony Vaio VPCF115FM/B.

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!

Is your question about openSUSE Linux or Ubuntu Linux? I see it’s your first post. openSUSE and Ubuntu are two totally different distributions by two totally different groups.

If your lucky someone familiar with the other distribution may come along with some help nut you may have more luck asking a Ubuntu forum about Ubuntu.

good luck , best regards.

The Ubuntu forum is at:

Ubuntu Forums

You should find the help you need there.

Ah sorry about that. I ment to talk about openSUSE. I was just saying the trouble i was having with ubuntu and what i can do to not have that same trouble in openSUSE. I was wondering what i can do to get my Nvidia GPU to fully work in openSUSE and also the sound and wireless.

There’s no reason you should have problems getting your nvidia graphics card to work with openSUSE. Read this excellent guide first

openSUSE Graphic Card Practical Theory Guide for Users - openSUSE Forums

(Refer to the section dealing specifically with nvidia hardware).

A warm welcome here. This should help you through:

openSUSE Graphic Card Practical Theory Guide for Users - openSUSE Forums

In short:
Open the repo manager in Yast
Click Add
Pick Community …
Tick NVIDIA repo
Save and exit repo manager
Start software installer, it should auto-select two packages for your NVIDIA card. Install them, on a reboot the nvidia driver should load.

If you have generated a /etc/X11/xorg.conf , first remove/rename it, before rebooting. Done like this:

su -c 'mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.obsolete'
(enter rootpassword when asked for)

That shoud get it working. Still I suggest you do some reading in the link providing our valued member oldcpu’s excellent background info and instructions.

Enjoy !!

For any audio problems you may have, this is the place to start

SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE

Thanks to our audio guru oldcpu! :slight_smile:

Oh i forgot to mention about my graphics. My laptop has a GT 330M. Are there any problems with the newest 195 drivers and this gpu?

I installed as you said and now when i choose to boot to the desktop when it gets halfway loaded the screen just goes black. Also there was no xorg.conf to delete. SO i just simplely restarted. I guess i shouldnt have done that cuz of what i have now. Right now im on some Xen desktop setting. Its at 800x600 res. Its ok for now but i would like to have my screen at its native res which is 1920x1080. I was playing on doing some video stuff.

Now i cant get to the desktop. I dont know what happened.

Try booting up into runlevel 3 (console mode, no desktop). When the grub menu appears, type ‘3’ then <enter>. Login as root and do

sax2 -r -m 0=vesa

Then reboot. That should get your desktop back with a basic driver. From there, you can delete any problematic graphics packages via YaST.

You really should read the graphics guide I linked to in my first post to you.