Question about Wireless (and a few comments)

First the comments. I did a fresh install of Suse 11.1 and had a devil of a time getting wireless to work. Yast has been changed so you can no longer setup networking there if networkmanager is running. I could not get it to connect, but I finally did.

I uninstalled and reinstalled networkmanager and all related packages.

Turned off firewall for networkmanager

Reinstalled B43 firmware

Rebooted several times.

Finally, after about 2 hours I was able to get it to work. More work than it should be.

Now for the question. I keep getting these popup notifications about every wireless network in my neighborhood saying if they have come online or gone offline. Does anyone know how to turn these off? Notification settings in networkmanager does not not help as they are set to off. The plasma gadget keeps appearing in my systray even though I turn it off. I believe that is the cause, but I can find no way to turn off these popups and they are quite annoying.

Another note. Openoffice didn’t work for me. It kept crashing. I finally figured out that the localization settings were not installed by default. (what’s up with that ??)

Once I uninstalled and reinstalled OO with all the localization and related packages it works fine.

If someone knows how to turn-off those popups please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

  • Psquared,

KDE4? Notifications are being dealt with under “Personal Settings Configure Desktop”, “Notifications”. You should be able to find the rest. Network Manager drove me mad, so I don’t use it any more.

As for the Ooo problems, please start a separate thread in the applications forum.


Thanks for the heads up about notifications. I didn’t think to look there, but that did it. Now I can set it to popup ONLY when I make a connection or to scan for wireless networks. Now that I understand it is a nice improvement.

Thanks again.

  • Psquared,

you’re welcome. If you ever find out how to adjust the window and font size for the silly popups, let me know :slight_smile:
