Question about OpenSuse 64 bit

I want to know that if exist all software for OpenSuse 64 bit?
I mean all software for 32 bit are available for a 64 bit version?

yes… though some things like ndiswrapper may give you problems

On 11/11/2009 07:16 AM, microchip8 wrote:
> yes… though some things like ndiswrapper may give you problems

The problem there is with the underlying 64-bit Windows drivers, some of which
are really buggy.

yes… though some things like ndiswrapper may give you problems

َand there is no problem in 32 bit version?

not much, but if you don’t need ndiswrapper and friends, then go for 64-bit

not much, but if you don’t need ndiswrapper and friends, then go for 64-bit

When Install OpenSuse, Can it detect my wireless Automatically or I should install it myself?

that depends on which wireless chip you’re using - search this forum for your chip, or use google to search for linux support for your wireless. Some need more configuration than others. I’m no expert on wireless so I can’t be of much help on this subject

The wireless on my laptop is
Zepto Zpro2 = Ralink RT2860
Is it work on 11.2?

11.2 is releasing just may be in some hours. Better to grab a 64bit version and test it as a live desktop and you will see what is working and what is not.

And i hope Ralink28xx are working fine in openSUSE as to my knowledge.