Question about installs

Hello all,

We are going away from using OpenSSH and will be using SSHtectia for remote login. I want to have the install CD look and install SSHtectia rpm rather than openSSH. What file does the program look for to install the packages?

I don’t think it’s on the DVD. I couldn’t find it in the Opensuse repositories, either. You’ll probably have to build it from source, unless someone else here knows where to get an RPM for it.

You could try this. Be warned that while many Red Hat RPMs work decently with Opensuse, not all of them do.

Installing SSH Tectia Server on Linux on x86 Architecture

Clarification: that link states that the available RPM(s) is (are) for “Red Hat Enterprise” and “Suse Linux” (which I assume refers to the Suse’s enterprise server, and not Opensuse). Thus, it’s a “one size fits all” RPM, targeted to enterprise machines. I’ve had very mixed results with these.

But for future reference, assuming you could find an RPM that works well with your Opensuse version, there are two ways to do it.

Preferred: See if you can find it with a “software search” at If so, you can probably one-click it.

Alternative: download the RPM, then click on it in your file manager. It will probably offer to install it for you with Yast. Almost as painless as installing from the DVD. :slight_smile:

(Unless, of course, you discover missing dependencies … … … .)

Thanks so much smpoole7, I am a distributed guy so I am a newbie at Linux. I neglected to give you all the information. We are running “SUSE Linux Enterprise Server” SLES10. The install CD’s were copied to a NFS server. When we need to build an image we log into VM and have it point to the NFS server. But now we are going away from OpenSSH and need to have TectiaSSH automatically installed (during the creation of a new image). I thought that like in a distributed environment, in some cases, the “install” executable points to an .ini (initiator) file where all the rpm’s are listed. I do not believe that site you listed does that. It is a manual install after wards. Any suggestion would greatly be appreciated!

If I understand correctly, essentially you want to slipstream the TectiaSSH software into a installation repository accessed via NFS for multiple image deployment. AFAIK there are several methods available to you, although I can’t speak to the hands-on details as I’ve limited experience with each. But you can certainly follow-up with further research (and since this is SLES, inquire of Novell?). All of these methods can be used for installation via NFS.

You can add/create your own installation source . . .

Creating YaST Installation Sources - openSUSE
SDB:Howto add Directories into YaST as an Installation Source - openSUSE
Creating an Online Install Site - Developer Community

You can create your own modified distribution based on your installation plus the added software and e.g., put that in an iso. This is done with YaST Product Creator, Add-on Creator, and Image Creator; tools based on Kiwi:

openSUSE News » YaST Tools for Creating Installation Media and Appliances
YaST/Modules/Add-On Creator - openSUSE
YaST/Modules/Image Creator - openSUSE

You can use the Build Service:

Build Service - openSUSE

You can use Autoyast, which is designed for remote deployment of a customized instance to multiple clients:

Inst-source-utils - openSUSE
Autoyast installation using a network installation source - openSUSE
SUSE / Uwe Gansert / autoyast / autoinstall

Good luck.

Wow! That sure is a lot to look at. That was fantastic and when I get a chance I will look through everything. I want to thank you very much for all the information. It will definitely come in handy for my Linux experience. Oh by the way, Windows bites! lol

You’re welcome. Let’s us know how it turns out.

By the way, there is a project that has been underway for ~yr now called SuSE Studio - think of it as a web interface to using the Build Service coupled with the Kiwi suite (Product Creator, etc.) from which custom spins or appliances can be built. Add to that YaST’s ability to install from an iso image over the network. That’s in contrast to creating one’s own installation source and repository in that such can be dynamic, while the former is more of a snapshot in time. The distro itself is essentially a combination of the two, i.e., a gold image supplemented by living repositories. And then think of Autoyast as a mechanism for push distribution to clients.