python-gconf (needed for hamster-time-tracker 1.0x)

Dear audience,

since my upgrade from oS 42.3 to Leap 15.1, I’m desperately missing “hamster-time-tracker”, the small and light-weight, quick-and-dirty KDE time management tool. I’ve used it to account my time as a freelancer, so for me, it’s kind of a “business case”… :frowning:

It asks for “python-gconf” as a prerequisite, a package which was available in 42.3, but not in 15.1 anymore. The L15.1 release notes don’t mention its removal, lest a reason. Searching did not reveal any clue, either.

What happened to python-gconf and how can I install hamster-time-tracker 1.04? Even its “community package” requests python-gconf, so I’m stuck…

Thx for any enlightenment!