python 3.8 on leap 15.3

I have a program that needs python 3.7+
As the python 3 in the repos in opensuse is 3.6 it does not work.
I want to change python version to 3.8 or maybe install both 3.6 and 3.8 and use this one for this program. says that python 3.8 does not exist for opensuse, but as I have realized that this site is not trusty anymore for Leap 15.3 I’m not sure if that is true.

Do you know if there is some rep with python 3.8 for leap 15.3?

ok, I have been thinking about it, but won’t cause trouble using the factory repo in 15.3?

Had similar problem and installed anaconda. It is a complete python environment package including basic python, ides, and anaconda-navigator as a software manager gui. You can also handle software on the commandline using conda… It installed python 3.8. I got it from web; not yast.

The package installs and runs as a User. It will modify your prompt on terminal to show you are in anaconda environment. Have not had to go outside the anaconda python environment for anything python related yet

Might be worth a look.

tom kosvic

It is not Factory repo.

As said above, anaconda is not supplied from an opensuse repo. It is downloaded separately from the web. Download site is:

Easy way to get python 3.8 and all the auxiliary stuff. Just noticed that latest download has python 3.9.

tom kosvic

Additional note re: needing python =>3.7 needed for app, just noticed that tumbleweed has python 3.8. I run tumbleweed in a vm. You could work with your python needs in a tumbleweed vm.

tom kosvic

Does it work with Python 3.9? If yes, there it is package called python39 in main repos.

Good find. python39 never popped up in a software search. It is buried in few hundred or so python3 packages if you search on python 3. Kinda need to know it is there to be able to find it.