Pulse Audio 15.4

Using Dell Optiplex 7010 running Leap 15.4; to get audio out I must first manually start Pulse Audio from terminal console. Why must I manually start Pulse Audio? Thanks, TW

New information is located at this URL: http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=f87a1a09c5c05af385ac3f7a7e737b80c9548845

Wat does the following command report?

systemctl --user list-units | egrep -iE "pulse|wire"

For reference I have

~> systemctl --user list-units | egrep -iE "pulse|wire" 
  pipe**wire**-**pulse**.service                                                                   loaded active running Pipe**Wire** **Pulse**Audio 
  pipe**wire**.service                                                                         loaded active running Pipe**Wire** Multimedia Service 
  **wire**plumber.service                                                                      loaded active running Multimedia Service Session Manager 
  pipe**wire**-**pulse**.socket                                                                    loaded active running Pipe**Wire** **Pulse**Audio 
  pipe**wire**.socket                                                                          loaded active running Pipe**Wire** Multimedia System Socket

**This is what I have…

localhost:~ #** systemctl --user list-units | egrep -iE “pulse|wire”
pipewire.service loaded active running PipeWire Multimedia Service
wireplumber.service loaded active running Multimedia Service Session Manager
pipewire.socket loaded active running PipeWire Multimedia System Socket

Best to wrap output in [noparse]


[/noparse] tags when posting output to preserve formatting. You don’t have ‘pipewire-pulseaudio’ installed. Depending on your requirements that may or may not be an issue. (It provides PulseAudio-compatible daemon that integrates with the PipeWire media server if required.)

Thanks for providing information about tags. I rarely post comments or questions on the forum. Not sure where to find tags for future posts, but will look for them. TW

Thanks to Deano for recommending to install much needed software. Solved my problem. Again, thank you very much. TW

Thanks to Van Velden for instruction in using tags. Sorry for not knowing how to use the forum very well. Just a retired Air Line Pilot learning how to use the forum. TW

All good. Glad to have been of help.