Proper solution for Software Updater starting before Wi-Fi is up?

I can see that this is a long standing issue. If only connected through Wi-Fi, Software Updater starts before Wi-Fi is up and throws a “connection failed” error.

Is deactivating the Software Updater really the only solution to that annoyance?

You can also switch in Networkmanager to a systemconnection for all Users…

But I personally do not use the Update-Aplett, I use zypper up and Yast2.

there really is only one option i have found to work. don’t use NW Manager and use wicked as your network manager throught yast2 network conguration

Yes, this method works. If you are using KDE, it is best to first move the network key to “stored in a file unencrypted”.

But I also normally disable the update applet, and use Yast online update followed by “zypper up” from the command line.

I have enabled the option for automatic connection and allow all users to use that connection, as well as store password for all users unencrypted, but the software updater still fails before Wi-Fi is up. I guess this can only be fixed with a patch to software update to first check for a connection.

I have already removed the updater applet, but was wondering if there is another fix known yet.

Not sure what this is supposed to tell me, because it is not the fault of NM that the Software Updater Applet doesn’t check for a connection before checking for updates.

I’m on a fresh LEAP 15.0 KDE installation, and as experienced before (and with a default installation of Tumbleweed as well) the annoyance can only be eliminated by disabling the Software Updater Applet.