problems with the configuration of NVIDIA graphic card drive

I tried to install the NVIDIA graphic card drivers on my laptop XPS 1340, running with opensuse 11.2. There are two graphic cards, the integrated one and the NVIDIA one. I installed the drivers correctly by doing

su -c ‘sh -q’

but when trying to configure the x-server
su -c ‘sax2 -r -m0=nvidia’

I got the following error message in the /var/log/SaX.log

NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidia0 (Input/output error).

Do you know what the problem can be? Thanks

A laptop with two video cards? Dell says it has an integrated NVIDIA card, a 9400M G. This one may not be supported by the driver you have. That would mean the /dev/nvidia0 device would not be created.
No need to run sax2. You don’t need X-configuration on 11.2, it’s done by autodetection and -configuration.

This one is the latest beta driver from NVIDIA, it’s suppose to support your card.



su -c ‘sh -q’

No sax2, just

su -c ‘init 5 && exit’

Good luck.