Problems with flash (I think)


I have Tumbleweed 64 bit KDE based on openSUSE 12.1.

I access a share trading site daily where charts are presented in my web browser. The charts are dynamic, constantly updating prices in real time. These are presumably flash based graphs (tell me if I’m wrong).

Yesterday these web charts stopped working in Tumbleweed. I restored an earlier root partition image dated 12th February. The web charts won’t work in that either, which is really strange because they only stopped working yesterday in the current version of the root partition.
I checked if it was a problem in my user account by creating a new user. The charts don’t work in the fresh/new account.
I checked in windows, they work in windows.
I checked in openSUSE 12.1 VirtualBox 32 bit, fully up to date. They work in 12.1 VM.
I checked in my netbook 32 bit 12.1. They work there.

Can you suggest what I should try now to fix this in Tumbleweed?


Hmmm… maybe you could point us at the trading site, or would we need to have an account set up to view the graphics?

Another thought. Maybe we should see which java packages you have installed.

FWIW, I’m using openSUSE 11.4 (so I may not be able to assist further or replicate your issue). I have the Sun and openJDK java packages installed


and I have used update-alternatives to enable the OpenJDK version (without any issues so far).

You’d need an account.

Update: I took the version of Tumbleweed right back to 12.1 by disabling the Tumbleweed repos, enabling the 12.1 repos and running zypper dup to roll it back to 12.1. The charts still don’t work. This points to trouble (perhaps in java) in the root partition.

Do you have any other flavours of Linux to test with?

Here’s my java:

john@tumbleweed121:~> rpm -qa | grep java

It works in two versions of 12.1. a VM and a stock standard install. It’s just bad in Tumbleweed. Probably in the java component on the root partition, which I’m about to root out and see if it fixes it.

It needs an account. You caould create a demo account which lasts for a week IIRC.

I see you have 2 lines of questioning open on this

But might it be a change at the site, rather than something at your end.

You said:

Yesterday these web charts stopped working in Tumbleweed. I restored an earlier root partition image dated 12th February. The web charts won’t work in that either, which is really strange because they only stopped working yesterday in the current version of the root partition

Just a thought

I just installed openSUSE 12.1 to test, not in a VM, on a regular partition. It worked fine with the site. Then I applied the standard updates to make it current, and it stopped working with the site. There were about three historical versions of flash in the “update” repo so I took flash backwards one by one. None of them allowed the site to work. So I took it right back to the version in the openSUSE repo (not the “updates” repo) and it still wouldn’t work. So once it is “poisoned” so to spead, it stays poisoned.

All this while, the site is still working if I use any of the four windows boxes in the house. And the site works if I use a KDE 11.4 VM that I have, and it works with my 32 bit openSUSE 12.1 netbook. The last two, the KDE VM and the netbook have all the current updates applied.

My next test is to take out the NVidia card and use the VGA on the motherboard.

(I’ve gotta have this working by tomorrow or I’ll be using windows – shock! horror!)

No, just the one. I edited the original to change the emphasis to flash

Sounds like you are pretty much on your own with this anyway. And you seem to be working it out with methods I would employ


It would be interesting to know whether flash animation is working in another browser (other than FF) ie is this a FF update issue?

Not FF alone. It’s same for Chrome.

I’ve tried the flash from the Adobe site. And taken out the Nvidia card. And reinstalled 12.1. And copied old Tumbleweed images onto the root partition.

If I install fresh, it works until the online updates are applied.

I’m now going to try installing 11.4 because I need to do some work tomorrow on that site and don’t want to use windows to get it done.

Well that really is the pits. It only works now if I install 32 bit Firefox and 32 bit flash. The absolute pits! But at least I’m still in Linux.

Had a lot of KDE updates today, did you install them? To add a nice new variable to the options :smiley:

yup – fully up to date