Problems accessing windows shares

Hello, I have following problems on some machines using openSUSE 12.1. After start and login users can’t access windows shares, but they can access samba shares on linux machines. After restarting winbind they can use windows shares again. If winbind is restarted before user login problem is still there, it has to be restarted after login.
Does anybody have some idea what can be wrong and what to look for? I’ve tried to turn on debug logs for winbind, but there was nothing relevant there. I can as a workaround set winbind restart after user login, but I’d rather find out where the problem is. I haven’t noticed such problem in 11.4 or older versions.

On 08/21/2012 07:16 PM, mjakl wrote:
> Hello, I have following problems on some machines using openSUSE 12.1.
> After start and login users can’t access windows shares, but they can
> access samba shares on linux machines. After restarting winbind they can
> use windows shares again. If winbind is restarted before user login
> problem is still there, it has to be restarted after login.
> Does anybody have some idea what can be wrong and what to look for?
> I’ve tried to turn on debug logs for winbind, but there was nothing
> relevant there. I can as a workaround set winbind restart after user
> login, but I’d rather find out where the problem is. I haven’t noticed
> such problem in 11.4 or older versions.
Are you logging into a formal Windows Server that requires a
username/password to access it? (I got a bit confused about “restarted
before user login” in your post)


I have samba PDC and all Linux and Windows machines are members of this domain. Users login to their opensuse workstations with their domain credentials. After login they can access samba shares on opensuse servers, but not shares on windows machines. They have to restart winbind on their workstation to be able to access windows shares. I hope it’s understandable.
By restart before login I meant to login as root from terminal, restart winbind and than login to gnome-shell as domain user.