Problem with rsync

I’m trying to use rsync as a backup tool.
Specifically, as root,

rsync -Cacv / /mnt/Buffalo/Bart/Backups/2015-04-17/

Everything seems to go along well until it gets into the mail subdirectory (evolution). Then, it stops on one of the files. Not any one in particular, but on one of the files.

I let it sit overnight to be sure the computer wasn’t busy. It was at the same place when I got up.

I tried adding –exclude /home/bart/.local/share/evolution/mail/local/* to the command line but that didn’t help.

I issued

evolution --force-shutdown

to be sure all files were closed. No difference.

What am I doing wrong?


You have to be careful with root directory there are sub-didrectories that are not real they need to be excluded.

Short list

/dev devices
/mnt things get mounted there should not be anything in there anyway
/proc these are the virtual files that represent all running process. nothing here to back up move on
/sys these are virtual files representing the state of the system nothing here to back up move on

Eliminate those from the backup there are “files” there that are as big as the address space of the processor this can case a problem or three. :open_mouth:

On 2015-04-19 23:56, gogalthorp wrote:
> /proc these are the virtual files that represent all running process.
> nothing here to back up move on

And one of them is really HUGE. :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

I do have a NAS device that shows up in /mnt. You’re right, that could cause a bunch of problems. Looks like I should create a file that has the subdirectories that should be ignored. I don’t quite understand how to specify it though.

AND I guess I should add an “n” to the command while I test this whole thing out, ya think?

I eventually want to create a script that will back up everything if called by root, or the home directory if called by a user other than root. Is there a better backup system? Without using a cron job? I want to do it when I want. Seems like someone else would have wanted to do this before I thought of it.
