Problem with Mobile Broadband

Hi All,

I am new to openSUSE. I am from India. I am facing a problem with connecting to Tata Photon+ USB Modem out of the box. I am running a machine with openSUSE and Win7. The problem is every time I need to login into the Win7 first to connect to the Internet using USB Modem through an application given by the provider and reboot the system to openSUSE. But if I don’t do this, the openSUSE is not detecting the USB Modem at all.Every time I need to do this.Why?

Actually I want to use only Linux on my Laptop. But the above mentioned problem preventing me to do this.

Please help me out of this problem.

Thanks in advance

So put a USB in a usb port.

  1. Open the Network Connections> Mobile broadband. Then select Add.


Connection Name: COSMOTE
Connect Automatically
Number: * 99 *** 1 #
Username: user
Password: pass
PIN: the PIN provided by the company.

It looks like this:

Wait a minute to connect.

You are logged if you see the picture below.

That’s all.

Sorry Stamostolias.

I am not that noobie, who don’t know to put a USB into USB port.

This is not just working for me. The “Mobile Broadband” tab in the network connections wizard is disabled when I directly boots into openSUSE. This is only enabled when I first boots into Win and connect to internet using app provided by them for Win and reboot the system into openSUSE without disconnecting.

Thanks for your reply.

I do not say that you are noobie. I helped you, because that you said in your first post. And I thought maybe you have not installed it.

And this language is not good. If you are more polite it would better. This is not a polite way.