Problem with GUI


I have a problem with GUI under SuSE.

As root I can enter but as normal user I can’t.

So the splash occurs I put user name and password but the system try to enter and later it comes back.
I try from CLI ,I make startx from command line ,the same situation.

Sometime the system informs me about a error (a temporary file from /tmp(.X0~ )I must remove ,I did but next time it tells me that it can’t load one module (it gives me a number).What shall I do?

Thank you

hello dear linux users

I come back with more infos about my problem


Failed to load module i810 (module doesn’t exist,0).

waitting for x server to shutdown.dropping

error (base=0x 10000000,size=0x10000000,type=1) invalid argument (22).

*so what is module i810 and why it can’t be loaded.

and most impt.who finally I cam make to GUI to strat properly to the end and to have the chance to work normally.?
plz anyone who can help me i say from now thank you.

Pushy/from romania*

  1. which GUI? KDE or Gnome
  2. you should never ever log to a GUI as root even for a test. You can mess up your normal users GUI.
  3. try creating a new user and see if it has the same problem.

kde as GUI
if I do this I am afraid I lost my e-mails because they are not stored in server,workplace server.I think myself to create another user but is the reason that this solution I don’t like.I stiil want to fix the problem without userdel my user account

And I don’t make login as fact as I said in root I dont’have problem (I checked),only as normal user.It’s very strange.i810 it’s possible to be a multimedia driver ,really I don’t know.I dont think it’s a part from kernel,but once again I am not sure.

The module is the grapics card. Please follow this excellent guide: openSUSE Graphic Card Practical Theory Guide for Users

If you followed the defaults, your /home should be on a separate partition. This means, that if you reinstall, you can keep your data and settings.

Thank you ,I have to study the recommended material suggested by you and after to try the fixing.

And you right about this:“Anything that can go wrong… will teach us”.

On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 16:26:02 GMT gogalthorp <> wrote:

> 1) which GUI? KDE or Gnome

That should not matter, it seems a video module problem (i810). The
Xserver does not start, and that goes before either kde or gnome tries
to load.

> 2) you should never ever log to a GUI as root even for a test. You can
> mess up your normal users GUI.

No unless you, once root, try to do something on on a user’s home. I do
that now and then. You have to be careful of what you touch or do (no
Internet browsing, for instance), but it is not forbidden (it would be
simply disabled if such). If it breaks anything by simply login-in,
then it is a reportable bug.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Minas Tirith))

The trouble is you know what you are doing and most first time users don’t thus they break things and do not know how to fix them. Please do not encourage new users to log into a GUI as root. There is absolute nothing you can do logged into a GUI as root that you can not do as a regular user running programs or CL shells as root. It is far to easy to accidental change the ownership of the users GUI control files if you simply browse them from a root owned GUI.

On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 13:41:47 +0000, Pushy wrote for a reply:

> And I don’t make login as fact as I said in root I dont’have
> problem (I checked),only as normal user.It’s very strange.i810 it’s
> possible to be a multimedia driver ,really I don’t know.I dont think
> it’s a part from kernel,but once again I am not sure.

When you login as root check the userid and groupid of for .ICEauthority
in the userid home directory, ie, if it probably set to root:root
and needs to be changed to userid:users


ls -hal /home/userid
chmod userid:users /home/.ICEauthority

On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 21:24:56 +0000, Chill Out wrote for a reply:

> On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 13:41:47 +0000, Pushy wrote for a reply:
>> And I don’t make login as fact as I said in root I dont’have
>> problem (I checked),only as normal user.It’s very strange.i810 it’s
>> possible to be a multimedia driver ,really I don’t know.I dont think
>> it’s a part from kernel,but once again I am not sure.
> When you login as root check the userid and groupid of for .ICEauthority
> in the userid home directory, ie, if it probably set to root:root and
> needs to be changed to userid:users
> code:
> ------------------
> ls -hal /home/userid
> chmod userid:users /home/.ICEauthority
> -----------------

Oops that should have read


ls -hal /home/userid
sudo chmod userid:users /home/.ICEauthority

I tried ,nothing works
I changed the .ICE authority,but not again.
I followed the instructions from card manual in level 3 as it’s mentioned there.
first commnads works (sax2 -r -m 0=intel)
the second (Xorg -configure) start working but near to the end it informs me about abort!(receieved signal 11).that’s means somehow from system is get this (like kill -11 …)
the situation become really crazy.I am thinking to reinstall the whole system…if it can’t be done .

It’s not fair do not solve this problem as in root I don’t have it.And of course working as root never should be done.But why in this case occurs some problem as normal user it’s hardly to know.Does anyone have some ideas?

Did you check the owner ship of other files in your home? .Xauthority is another the may be changed by logging in to a GUI as root. All the files in your home should belong to you not root.

On 2010-07-05 12:36 GMT Pushy wrote:

> the situation become really crazy.I am thinking to reinstall the whole
> system…if it can’t be done .

If you create a new user and this one works, then don’t reinstall:
simply use a new user. With several possible variations.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))


i erased completly (plus home/userid)my user account userdel.i make useradd and it works.I will see what I lost.uf…!

All your personal data will be gone! All personal data and settings are stored in your /home/user directory.

Sorry pushy,

FWIW, I would have went with something like

adduser impatient 
#  and copied everything from userid pushy to userid impatient
cp -p  /home/pushy  /home/impatient 

Changed ownership as necessary

sudo chown impatient:users  -Rv --reference=/home/pushy/A-FILE /home/impatient
man cp 
man adduser 
man chown 

thank you ABOUT THAT.I know better was to save the old home/userid directory.but you know the system make me real angry because it was not the first time when happened this.One time /one year ago(11.1suse) I solved myself in this way but now the problem seems to be caused by the famous i810.(graphic card driver).
And I worked a lot to fix ,if you read you can beeing angry I have chosen this solution,of course it’s not a logical solution to erase /homedirectory and account for normal user.

But I read on th e forum and I am not the only person that had this problem with GUI.So once Again WITHOUT DOING SOMETHING THE SYSTEM SOMETIME REFUSE TO LOGIN IN THE GUI AS NORMAL USER!Maybe it’s a bug somewhere and the developpers can find.Anyway look on the forum and you can see hoo manny people has the some problem.

And ROOT is to for use WHEN IT’S ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!what is this “never use”?>WHY we have root finally?we have to use when normal rights are not enough !.

How we work as root it’s other problem/directly or with su /sudo of course.

Now i can work ,but of course I lost the old e-mails ,because evolution request again to make account e-mail/belongs to my company of course and very funny kmail don’t work now.I like kmail because it’s better.But anyway evolution works and it’s fine.I will recover what I lost.

The creators should keep in mind that sometime when the users try and try to solve something they become angry and the love for linux for a short period only decrease .so make it more stable is a perfect target.Of course suse it’s the best but till now i dont have a expalnation why suddenly something bad is happening…

bugs?but where and which?and how to solve the bugs>I myself I can’t ,I am just o coomon user in linux with some skills.Just this.

see you and till next time I wish to all zero problems with linux and good health!have a lot of fun!

tararpharazon -

adduser impatient

and copied everything from userid pushy to userid impatient

cp -p /home/pushy /home/impatient

Would adduser command create a home folder straight away…? Cause, cp to a folder that is not there may have issues…? I was under the impression, once logged in… the system creates ~, sets premissions etc etc…

also like the "adduser impatient " part, made me laugh at my screen…

I don’t believe that anyone has said don’t become root. Just do not log into a GUI as root. It causes exactly the problem you are seeing. Any Administration task can be done logged in as a regular user and becoming root temporarily to do the needed changes/mods.