This evening I wanted to add new user on my computer. After I created it thru YaST, when I logged in that fresh-created account, there was not default KDE panels. Just empty screen. Mouse pointer appeared, right click works, but menus can not be added. In my previous installations there was not this problem - every new user’s account contained everything KDE has to contain.
Was it Plasma that was opened? It sounds like it may have been not have been. Be sure to select Plasma from the login greeter. Once selected it will persist until another a new selection may be made.
Yes It is selected (it is in left-bottom corner). I tried to login to root also. It is also same thing like in new users. Just my old user, I made when first formated my ssd, looks “normally”.
Just to confirm, your running the alpha/beta version of Leap 15.3? If so, then a bug report would be appropriate in this instance… openSUSE:Submitting bug reports - openSUSE
Can anyone do this instead of me? I did not do this before. It is too much if it is in foreign language, too much for my eyes (please don’t ask me to explain) and because of these counted - too much for me to do alone.
I wanted to say: can anyone submit this to bugzilla, because I can not to see completely screen at once, and also letters are too small to read if it is foreign language.
So, as suddenly it appeared, it suddenly was solved. I solved it. What has happened?
I often use TV as monitor using hdmi port. So when system logs in new account it logs in hdmi display, and on my monitor is just blank display, while "real desktop is in TV. So, I just must to switch display from TV to monitor (“win”+P). Now it is OK.