Problem sending appointments using Kontact 4.7.2 @ Suse 12.1

When sending an appointment using Kontact, the appointment is stuck in the outbox and contains the following error message:

Failed to transport message. The server did not accept the sender address “Username <>”. The sever is responded" “<Username <>>: “@” or “.” expected after “Username””

Note that a test email to works just fine.

Any help would be appreciated.

There’s an emailaddress being used as “Username <>”, the program assumes the entire sring is the emailaddress. Since emailaddresses cannot have spaces, it stumbles on the space after “Username” where there is no “@” or “.” (both allowed). So, checkt the settings, and remove the stuff around the sending emailaddress.

Where is the setting for the meeting organizer? I’ve changed the default to a different individual at the “group scheduling” portion of calendar setting. I’ve changed the default to a different individual for the identities at “identity” setting for mail. I’ve also changed the default to a different individual in account details in the desktop settings. However, the calendar continues to use the erroneous contact information as the meeting organizer. Obviously, I’m missing something.

The problem is a bit more complex than originally thought. I was able to modify the meeting organizer using the “identity” section in mail settings. I was able to strip off the Username by leaving “Your name” blank. This leaves the meeting organizer as “”. The problem now is the attendee. The program accesses the attendee email via the contact listings. It puts in the attendee line “Username2” <>. It errors with the following error message:

Failed to transport message. The server did not accept the sender address “Username2 <>”(The sever is responded" "<Username2 <>>: “@” or “.” expected after “Username2"”)

If I edit the attendee so it sends either <>, “” or, the following error message occurs for all settings:
Failed to transport message. Message sending failed since the following recipients were rejected by the server: <> (The server responded “<<>>:missing or malformed local part”)

Any help would be a appreciated.

Just one more thing, if I forward the failed invite, it works.