I’ve installed opensuse on my wife’s Toshiba laptop which has an ATI Radeon Xpress 200m graphic card. i’ve tried installing the one-click install and it didn’t work, all it did was disable the openGL. I’ve tried the solution to that and it just said it cannot find “/etc/x11/xorg.conf”. naturally, both the path and the file exist (Checked in dolphin). any suggestions?
i’m a rather new user so i don’t know much about this. my previous encounters were with opensuse 10.2 a couple of years ago and with the latest kubuntu, which i dislike (that’s why i chose opensuse for the laptop).
okay, no replies on that.
so, i’ve tried time and time again to re-install the “one click install” (install again, remove and install, pray to the installation gods - you name it) and it didn’t work. neither did the “fix” that is suggested in case it doesn’t work (tells me the path or file doesn’t exist).
Is there any particular reason for you to be using the AMD/ATi driver? I am using the same chipset on my Compaq Presario V2570CA and all I am using the the default “radeon” driver that “sax2” picked automatically. Did you know that it supports 3D? Unless there is something more than basic 2D/3D acceleration you need, I would not bother with the AMD/ATi drivers.
when the default driver is used things like the openGL screen saver move slower than a salted snail. i’d also like to install a few games and i don’t know how the default driver will handle it. what can i say, i like it when things work properly.
needless to say, with the “one-click install” so called “fix” nothing graphic works, not even the splash screen while logging in.
well, the splash screens i’ve installed (from kde.org) don’t work at all. when i click on “test” it tells me “unable to start ksplashx”. it does that either with or without the driver i’ve failed to install. also, it tells me i cannot activate any desktop effects.
any ideas??
There is a specific solution for ATI 200m series on the webpage of How to install ATI driver in opensuse:
ATI Radeon Xpress - openSUSE
as i’ve said in the opening post, i have tried that and it failed. the “solution” says i should go to the konsole type “init 3” and in the screen that comes after (after logging in as super user, however it’s called) and then write the command: “mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-001”
after writing this all i get is a notification that it can’t find /etc/X11/xorg.conf. seems to me like that “solution” is a problem of it’s own. the solution to the solution is probably the simplest of things, but since i’m new here…
Starting from the beginning, what is your installation?
You have mentioned KDE stuff, so I assume you are talking about OpenSuSE 11.1 KDE4. Is this 32-bit or 64-bit? And did you install from a DVD or a LiveCD or did you use a Network install?
good point:
OpenSuSE 11.1 with KDE 4.1 (i think), 32 bit, installed from an installation DVD.
the computer in question is a Toshiba Equium L30-149 laptop.
i’ve had for a while OpenSuSE 10.2 on my desktop which has, obviously, different hardware and it ran on it with no problems.