Problem after update driver nForce2 AC97

I use OpenSuSe 11.1. Then i install it first, it have no sound. Then i find that problem & sound is ON.
Recently, i download driver and install it-sound is off.
I can’t understand that’s problem YaST can’t auto config nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler (MCP). It say “module snd-intel8x0 can’t be loaded”

Thats may configuration:
av93314:~ # rpm -qa | grep alsa
av93314:~ # lsmod | grep -i snd
snd 56816 0
soundcore 6660 1 snd
av93314:~ # lspci | grep -i audio
00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler (MCP) (rev a1)

!!ALSA Information Script v 0.4.56

!!Script ran on: Wed Apr 29 20:27:34 UTC 2009

!!Linux Distribution

Welcome to openSUSE 11.1 - Kernel \r (\l). openSUSE 11.1 (i586) LSB_VERSION=“core-2.0-noarch:core-3.2-noarch:core-2.0-ia32:core-3.2-ia32”

!!Kernel Information

Kernel release:
Operating System: GNU/Linux
Architecture: i686
Processor: athlon
SMP Enabled: Yes

!!ALSA Version

Driver version: 1.0.17
Library version: 1.0.14
Utilities version: 1.0.14

!!Loaded ALSA modules

!!Sound Servers on this system

Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/pulseaudio)
Running - No

ESound Daemon:
Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/esd)
Running - No

Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/jackd)
Running - No

!!Soundcards recognised by ALSA

— no soundcards —

!!PCI Soundcards installed in the system

00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler (MCP) (rev a1)

!!Advanced information - PCI Vendor/Device/Susbsystem ID’s

00:06.0 0401: 10de:006a (rev a1)
Subsystem: 1695:1008

!!Loaded sound module options

!!ALSA Device nodes

!!Aplay/Arecord output


aplay: device_list:204: no soundcards found…


arecord: device_list:204: no soundcards found…

!!Amixer output

!!Alsactl output


please, help me im really at stupor

OK, so if I understand

  • initially sound did not work, then
  • you fixed the sound, then
  • you downloaded and installed some unknown driver
  • sound stopped working
    What was this unknown driver that you installed? Was it the manufacturer’s driver? They are notorious for breaking one’s sound, especially for new users … If alsa works, IMHO one should stick with alsa

OK, that looks like the basic alsa that comes with openSUSE-11.1.

OK, 32-bit openSUSE-11.1 with the latest Novell packaged 32-bit pae kernel.

alsa 1.0.14 ?? What has happened here? Why are you rolling back to an old 1.0.14 version of alsa? This rollback is not indicated in the alsa rpms! This suggests to me you tried to custom compile some suppliers old version of the alsa driver and you failed in that attempt.

Note, I know nothing about manufacturer’s custom drivers, so I will not make any effort to try support that. Instead, I urge you to go back to using the Novell/SuSE-GmbH supplied version of alsa.

If so, you could go back to that directory and do a “make uninstall”. And then re-install all of your alsa rpms (from your installation CD/DVD) and reboot and test your audio. The reason for the alsa re-install is to try and over write any remaining files from your failed compilation effort (assuming that is what you did).

Failing that, you could update to the latest 1.0.19 cutting edge alsa rpms.

You can do that by opening a konsole or terminal, with your PC connected to the internet, and type “su” (no quotes - enter root password when prompted) and then copy and paste the following six zypper commands, one at a time, in sequence, to update your alsa (and hopefully over write your failed 1.0.14 alsa rollback attempts):

zypper ar multimedia
zypper install alsa alsa-utils alsa-tools alsa-firmware libasound2
zypper rr multimedia
zypper ar multimedia
zypper install alsa-driver-kmp-pae
zypper rr multimedia

then restart your PC and test your sound.

GREAT THANKS! It work. Im so inattentive, now i will look version driver before install it :expressionless: