Printer set up (Brother HL-L2380DW) in Leap 15.

Hi all,

I have a Brother printer I need to set up. I have installed the drivers from:…ng=4&type3=625

I have downloaded and installed the tools from that link but when i try to print I get error message “Printer configuration is incorrect or the printer no longer exists”. If I check the log file I get some errors there:

[26/Sep/2018:16:55:57 +1000] [Client 68] Returning HTTP Forbidden for Resume-Printer (ipp://alex@localhost:631/printers/H

LL2380DW) from localhost
E [26/Sep/2018:16:56:02 +1000] [Client 70] Returning HTTP Forbidden for Cancel-Job (ipp://alex@localhost:631/printers/HLL23
80DW) from localhost
E [26/Sep/2018:16:56:11 +1000] [Client 75] Returning HTTP Forbidden for Resume-Printer (ipp://alex@localhost:631/printers/H
LL2380DW) from localhost

**lpoptions -d HLL2380DW
copies=1 device-uri= finishings=3 job-cancel-after=10800 job-hold-until=no-hold job-priority=50 j
ob-sheets=none,none marker-change-time=1537944829 marker-colors=#000000,none marker-levels=-1,42 marker-names=‘Black\ Toner\
Cartridge,Drum\ Unit’ marker-types=toner,opc number-up=1 printer-commands=AutoConfigure,Clean,PrintSelfTestPage printer-info=
‘Brother Print Brother HL-L2380DW with driver Brother HL-L2380DW for CUPS’ printer-is-accepting-jobs=true printer-is-shared=t
rue printer-is-temporary=false printer-location printer-make-and-model='Brother HL-L2380DW for CUPS ’ printer-state=5 printer
-state-change-time=1537944832 printer-state-reasons=paused printer-type=8425492 printer-uri-supported=ipp://localhost/printer

**rpm -qa|grep libusb

Obviously I have missed something during the set up but have no idea how fix this. Any help would be very appraciated.



  1. Are the Brother RPMs installed? I usually install the lpr and cupswrapper packages manually rather than via the installer.
rpm -qa|grep hl2380
  1. How is your printer connected? (On the network or connected via USB cable?)

Show us the printer status…

lpstat -t

Many thanks for your reply!

The oputput from two commands are as follows:

**rpm -qa|grep hl2380

**Notning is returned...

**lpstat -t

scheduler is running
system default destination: HLL2380DW
device for HLL2380DW:
HLL2380DW accepting requests since Wed 26 Sep 2018 04:53:52 PM AEST
printer HLL2380DW disabled since Wed 26 Sep 2018 04:53:52 PM AEST -
        The printer configuration is incorrect or the printer no longer exists.

I thought running the tool installs everything for me.As for conncetion, I am using home Wi-Fi to connect to the printer. It worked on 42.2 but I have upgraded and can’t remember the installation process…

I hope we can get it working again :-).


zypper se -si brgen cupswrapper

I prefer installing the drivers without the install-tools from brother.

And see here because of 32bit drivers:

Sorry, that should have been

rpm -qa|grep hll2380

These are the package names…

Many thanks! This is what I get:

sudo zypper se -si brgen cupswrapper
[sudo] password for root:  
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                 | Type    | Version | Arch | Repository        
i+ | hll2380dwcupswrapper | package | 3.2.0-1 | i386 | (System Packages)

Run the rpm command I gave last post or using zypper do

sudo zypper se -si hll2380

It will probably show that both vendor packages are installed, but worth checking first.

Try re-enabling the printer again with

sudo cupsenable HLL2380DW

From a browser, open the CUPS web UI with ‘localhost:631/printers’ and try printing a test page.

sudo zypper se -si hll2380
[sudo] password for root:  
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                 | Type    | Version | Arch | Repository        
i+ | hll2380dwcupswrapper | package | 3.2.0-1 | i386 | (System Packages)
i+ | hll2380dwlpr         | package | 3.2.0-1 | i386 | (System Packages)

Yes, I have two packages showing now.

That is as expected. Try printing a test page (once the printer has been re-enabled), and report back.

I just tried and got this:

|HLL2380DW-37 |Test Page |anonymous |1k |Unknown |pending since
Wed 26 Sep 2018 07:42:34 PM AEST |

It just sits there.

Ok, and is the printer IP address correct? Try pinging it…


Yes, it should be. I checked on my other laptop and that’s how I got that IP. The ping shows this:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=3.37 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=3.64 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=5.52 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=3.47 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=3.55 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=5.64 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=255 time=5.55 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=255 time=3.49 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=255 time=3.54 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=255 time=3.22 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=255 time=3.68 ms
[1]+  Stopped                 ping

If I run lpstat again, I get:

lpstat -t                 
scheduler is running
system default destination: HLL2380DW
device for HLL2380DW:
HLL2380DW accepting requests since Wed 26 Sep 2018 07:41:32 PM AEST
printer HLL2380DW disabled since Wed 26 Sep 2018 07:41:32 PM AEST -
        The printer configuration is incorrect or the printer no longer exists.
HLL2380DW-37            unknown           1024   Wed 26 Sep 2018 07:42:34 PM AEST

Ok. Review the comment by Sauerland (post #4) and linked thread re 32-bit drivers. You might need to examine the CUPS error log (/var/log/cups/error_log) for more details about what is failing.

If nmap is installed, run


It can show which well-known ports the printer is listening on.

This is what I get:

Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2018-09-26 20:02 AEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.025s latency).
Not shown: 993 closed ports
21/tcp   open  ftp
23/tcp   open  telnet
80/tcp   open  http
443/tcp  open  https
515/tcp  open  printer
631/tcp  open  ipp
9100/tcp open  jetdirect

Also, I have enagled extra logging as per the post and get this:

D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] Waiting for CGI data.
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] Sending 0-length chunk.
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] Flushing write buffer.
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] Waiting for request.
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] PID 6749 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors.
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] GET /cups.css HTTP/1.1
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] Read: status=200, state=3
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] No authentication data provided.
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] Processing GET /cups.css
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] filename="/usr/share/cups/webcontent/cups.css", type=text/css
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] [Client 7] cupsdSendHeader: code=304, type="(null)", auth_type=0
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:29 +1000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
I [26/Sep/2018:20:00:30 +1000] Expiring subscriptions...
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 7] GET /admin HTTP/1.1
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 7] Read: status=200, state=3
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 7] No authentication data provided.
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 7] Processing GET /admin
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/webcontent"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[7] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[8] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[9] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[10] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@linux-sdh1"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[11] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.2.7"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[12] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[13] = "USER=root"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[16] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[17] = "IPP_PORT=631"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=en_US.UTF8"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/admin"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/cups/webcontent/admin"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[27] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[28] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=8edbc525a6ac056c67ec0c2d0b91a3d1"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/printers/HLL2380DW"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[31] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] envp[32] = "QUERY_STRING="
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 6750)
I [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 7] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=6750, file=21)
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 7] Waiting for CGI data.
I [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] Expiring subscriptions...
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [CGI] admin.cgi started...
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 15] Server address is "/run/cups/cups.sock".
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 15] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
D [26/Sep/2018:20:00:33 +1000] [Client 15] Waiting for request.

Sould I try to remove printer in admin page and try to add a new one? I have no idea what is wrong.

Ok, thanks for that - it confirms that the printer supports the IPP protocol.

For the CUPS logging, it is a good idea to show the messaging for the whole print job, and since the logging is lengthy we usually suggest sharing it via and post the link to it here.

Many thanks for your time! Yes, it was a larger text so I posted just a bit. Here is more: SUSE Paste .

Hope that helps!