Printer Problems

Open suse, 11.3 KDE.

Perhaps someone can give me some advice - i’m trying to install an Epson sx215 printer and scanner.

ok, the scanner first - it’s detected in the scanner configuration, and epson2 is coming up as the driver - but they are not together.
It says, epson2 (no scanner recognized for this driver)
and it says, no driver (and then usb://EPSON/sx215)

I’ve tried to link them together by clicking add, and edit - neither works.

The printer, on printer configuration, I downloaded the drivers from avasys
and there is a photo image print system lite driver, and an Epson-Stylus_SX215-pipslite-en.ppd
both of which show up - but on the test page they print a solid black page onto a4.
If i try to print from open office, nothing happens, but I think they are going to the print queue, as it asks me to delete them before printing a test page.

Finally, how do I open the print queue to delete printing tasks manually?

Hope someone can offer some advice.

Is the printer not in the list in Yast > Hardware > Printers

it is, as with the scanner, it says, connection usb://EPSON/stylus%20SX210

Click on it to highlight it
Then click edit - to configure it. See if you can find the exact model in the list.

Epson make printer drivers available from their site

Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R) for Linux | AVASYS CORPORATION

I would suggest you download and install their common printer driver

after doing that,

you can configure a printer through CUPS: accessed through your web browser


do note that this is a LOCAL address; so it is just on your computer: meaning: so it is safe to do !

you can see in the middle column “adding printers …” follow the prompts there

from the front page of the Epson site

All-in-Ones (Multifunction Inkjet Printers) | AVASYS CORPORATION

you can see they say a scanner utility is needed, and they help you with that too

let us know how you get along

On 2010-12-17 14:06, eds19 wrote:

> Perhaps someone can give me some advice - i’m trying to install an
> Epson sx215 printer and scanner.

When in Linux, first ask, then buy. Not the other way round >:-)

> Finally, how do I open the print queue to delete printing tasks
> manually?

lpq - show printer queue status
lprm - cancel print jobs
lpstat - print cups status information

and more. Or, browse to the local web page you were told, jobs are listed
there and can be canceled, too.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

When in Linux, first ask, then buy

help us understand what you mean by that;

the reason I ask is that Epson make drivers available for their printers; so I can’t understand why being told that Epson have drivers available for their printers, would stop someone buying an Epson printer …

On 2010-12-18 19:36, pdc 2 wrote:
>> When in Linux, first ask, then buy
> help us understand what you mean by that;

It is a general comment. When you want hardware for use with linux, it is
better to check if the hardware you are about to buy is known to work in
linux, and then buy it; rather than the contrary, ie buy first, then try to
figure out how to make it works, which sometimes is impossible, or
partially, or difficult.

I’m not saying that epson printers work or do not work.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

@eds19: Stick with pdc_2’s advice on ths issue and you won’t go wrong. Download and install the drivers from Avasys, then configure via CUPS web interface. I’ve never had any problems with Epson printers (or scanners) under Linux.

OK, so the printing is now sending from openoffice to the actually printer, but it is still coming out with an a4 page of black, which i have to cancel so that i don’t waste all my ink.

The scanner now works.

for ‘robin_listas’
This is not my printer, I share it with the other people in my house, hence why I didn’t ask before I bought it, because they bought it a while back, for their own computers.

Just so we can see which prnter driver you have installed

cat /etc/cups/printers.conf

A quick online search yielded this thread, which mentions that the SX100 gutenprint driver (included with CUPS) may work with this model. So, you may need to delete your existing printer config in CUPS, and start over. (Sometimes, drivers for similar models work better for a given printer model).

but it is still coming out with an a4 page of black
as Harry Corbett, would have said … I don’t know Sooty …

it should work: Epson have standardised so a generic driver seems to work for their many models of inkjet printers

you can see the sx215 is listed as one of many …

but if you are having this problem, first go here


click on adding printers, then manage; then click on the Epson driver you installed: (do you have more than one choice?) there is an option to print test page

what happens when you print a test page?

I just wonder if you have configured the Epson in OpenOffice as well; is there just a generic printer loaded there? maybe try printing from a simple text editor: eg I would use gedit as I use gnome; (I don’t know a kde equivalent)

If no joy,

the other source for printer drivers (apart from those of their manufacturers); is OpenPrinting

Printer: Epson Stylus SX215 | OpenPrinting - The Linux Foundation

this driver is listed as working perfectly,

you have a 32bit option and a 64bit option; work out which you need;

so download this as an alternative; install; use the


again to then configure

let us know how it goes

Thank you to everyone who offered help on this problem. I got it printing in Kwrite (simple text editor) and then, got it printing in open office too.

To do this, I…
searched printers from the application launder, got to printer configurations,
clicked add, then driver packages, installed gutenprint
then i chose my printer in the top panel, and sx100 cups+gutenprint (simple) in the lower driver panel.

Then I tried printing in standard, draft and economy - by clicking properties on the print page from open office.
The draft seems good quality, the economy seems what I would normally expect to be draft, and I think I will save standard for important letters, job applications, etc…!

Thanks again.