Printer access

How can I Print over a Netgear Firewall and Printserver FR 114P with my HP Deskjet 970Cxi ?
My Computer:Laptop Acer Aspire 5683WLMi
My System: openSUSE 11.0
My Desktop: Gnome

Hello klausmariaschmidt, welcome to the Forums.

You could treat the router/printserver as if you had a windows computer sharing a printer. Proceed as if you are connecting a Suse client to a windows shared printer using Samba networking.

Here’s a Tutorial for that: Printer Sharing: Windows Print Server for Suse/openSUSE Linux Clients [Samba and LPD]

That tutorial discusses two alternative protocols, LPD and Samba. Ignore the LPD for now.

I actually happen to have this same firewall/server. If you can find the queue name for your printer, you can actually set it up using the LPD protocol. In YaST, go to Printer.

Add -> Network Printer -> Print via LPD-style Network Server. The hostname of the print server should be (you should check this) To test: navigate to that ip in your web browser and you should get the firewall’s administration page. In my case, the queue name is BrotherM. Once you have the queue name, use the “test” button to make sure it works. You can then continue and finish the setup.

thank you very much for your help. With your information I could access my printer but I could not print anything. So I tried
amontanarpapeles method and it worked. Nevertheless I was glad to get an answer from you.