prime-select can't switch to nvidia

# prime-select nvidia

after logout & login:

# prime-select get-current
No driver configured.

Problem has appeared after Leap 15.3 → 15.4 upgrade. Anyone know please how make it work ?

By an upgrade, the nvidia packages for 15.3 will be uninstalled.
I think you should configure again the nvidia repositories and then install the needed packages.

I had to confirm nvidia license agreement during upgrade, nvidia packages were mentioned in the summary of packages which will be upgraded,

zypper se nvidia

ran after upgrade show that nvidia packages are installed.

Do you have opposite experience ?

I tried today to upgrade to 15.4 and during the preparation, it told me it would remove the nvidia repository.
As I had some bad experience in the past with direct upgrades, I just stopped it and made a fresh install.
As far as I remember, the last time I really did an upgrade (from 15.1 to 15.2), I had to uninstall the old nvidia packages and to install the “new” ones.
Maybe you could first check which nvidia packages are now installed on your computer.

zypper se -s nvidia
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                        | Type    | Version                                  | Arch   | Repository
i  | kernel-firmware-nvidia      | package | 20220509-150400.4.5.1                    | noarch | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15
v  | kernel-firmware-nvidia      | package | 20220119-150400.2.3                      | noarch | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | libnvidia-container-devel   | package | 1.4.0-5.3.1                              | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | libnvidia-container-static  | package | 1.4.0-5.3.1                              | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | libnvidia-container-tools   | package | 1.4.0-5.3.1                              | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | libnvidia-container1        | package | 1.4.0-5.3.1                              | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | libnvidia-egl-wayland-devel | package | 1.1.7-150400.1.10                        | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | libnvidia-egl-wayland1      | package | 1.1.7-150400.1.10                        | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | nvidia-computeG04           | package | 390.151-lp154.12.1                       | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-computeG04-32bit     | package | 390.151-lp154.12.1                       | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
i  | nvidia-computeG05           | package | 470.129.06-lp154.50.1                    | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-computeG05-32bit     | package | 470.129.06-lp154.50.1                    | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-computeG06           | package | 515.43.04-lp154.10.1                     | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-computeG06-32bit     | package | 515.43.04-lp154.10.1                     | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-container-runtime    | package | 3.5.0-5.3.1                              | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | nvidia-container-toolkit    | package | 1.5.1-5.3.1                              | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | nvidia-gfxG04-kmp-default   | package | 390.151_k5.14.21_150400.22-lp154.12.1    | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
i  | nvidia-gfxG05-kmp-default   | package | 470.129.06_k5.14.21_150400.22-lp154.50.1 | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-gfxG06-kmp-default   | package | 515.43.04_k5.14.21_150400.22-lp154.10.1  | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-glG04                | package | 390.151-lp154.12.1                       | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-glG04-32bit          | package | 390.151-lp154.12.1                       | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
i  | nvidia-glG05                | package | 470.129.06-lp154.50.1                    | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-glG05-32bit          | package | 470.129.06-lp154.50.1                    | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-glG06                | package | 515.43.04-lp154.10.1                     | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-glG06-32bit          | package | 515.43.04-lp154.10.1                     | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | nvidia-texture-tools        | package | 2.1.2-bp154.1.35                         | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | pcp-pmda-nvidia-gpu         | package | 5.2.2-1.4                                | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/15.4-Oss
   | x11-video-nvidiaG04         | package | 390.151-lp154.12.1                       | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | x11-video-nvidiaG04-32bit   | package | 390.151-lp154.12.1                       | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
i+ | x11-video-nvidiaG05         | package | 470.129.06-lp154.50.1                    | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | x11-video-nvidiaG05-32bit   | package | 470.129.06-lp154.50.1                    | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | x11-video-nvidiaG06         | package | 515.43.04-lp154.10.1                     | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers
   | x11-video-nvidiaG06-32bit   | package | 515.43.04-lp154.10.1                     | x86_64 | nVidia Graphics Drivers

OK, so I see you have the G05 drivers.
Are you sure these are the “right” ones? (I’m using the G06 driver)

I just upgraded to 15.4 yesterday from 15.3 and i have same problem. it will give me no driver selected even if i select intel

i try install bbswitch(I don’t know is this necessary or not) and than unset the prime

prime-select unset

and than restore it

prime-select service restore

after this i select the nvidia driver and after reboot get-curent it will give

Driver configured: nvidia 
NVIDIA modules are loaded

I have G05 driver installed too because i’m too lazy to upgrade the driverrotfl!

zypper se x11-video-nvidiaG0*

says that I’m using right driver

thank you I will try it.
I prefer fastest way to install nvidia driver :slight_smile:

Leap can’t boot to gdm after reboot. It halts with black screen and blinking cursor. It stops probably before starting gdm. No data visible in journalctl when running from other linux distro. Ctrl-Alt-F3 or Ctrl-Alt-F4 or Ctrl-Alt-F… does not work.

Best way, on my laptop is:

sudo prime-select next-boot intel2

for intel

sudo prime-select next-boot nvidia

for nvidia gpu

reboot is saver i think.


sudo prime-select next-boot intel

i get stuck in black screen with blinking coursor. therefor i use intel2 and it comes up

if i stuck in black screen, i use ctrl + alt + F2, and login to switch.

Thank you,

sudo prime-select next-boot nvidia

has solved the problem.

I don’t know why

sudo prime-select  nvidia

and reboot does not work.

You could try Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to see whether gdm appears (I had to do this twice the first time after setting up the nvidia driver - I tested this with SDDM and LightDM but not yet with gdm).

Thank you very much, this worked, simply prime-select nvidia does not!

thank you it’s already fixed

Thank you for all the tricks mentioned above.

I had suffered from this problem for a long time, and I could not solve it myself.

This one worked for me on openSUSE Tumbleweed with

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation CometLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics] (rev 05)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation TU117M [GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile] (rev a1)

sudo /usr/sbin/prime-select next-boot nvidia

and it worked not just for the next boot, but the boot after that without running any prime-select command between the two.

$ glxinfo | grep --ignore-case vendor
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation

2-3 weeks ago I updated the whole system with zypper dist-upgrade, since then I can’t use the external monitor :frowning:

Here is the output of the prime-select log-view

[ 22:57:33 ] ERROR: cannot load nvidia modules [timed out]
[ 22:57:33 ] PCI BusID of NVIDIA card could not be detected!
[ 22:57:33 ] Configuration failed