Context :
From a script which call a script … which call the nvidia driver script, the nvidia proprietary driver script freeze when using command uninstall ( there was nothing to uninstall).
The return key in response to the ‘ok screen’ for leaving does not work.
The problem is that CTRL-C abort my long script.
Not exactly the answer you’re looking for, but the parent process is exiting its own process because it’s telling it to do so. You can choose to do anything else instead, including nothing at all.
Isn’t your answer in the last answers in your Stackexchange reference?
The preferred answer doesn’t provide the reasoning but is in the bottom two non-preferred answers… The SIGINT is sent to the foreground process group which includes Parent and Child processes.
Then a couple suggestions were made to run the two scripts in separate process groups or modify the Parent to handle the SIGINT differently than default.
Don’t make the 2 scripts Parent and Child.
Call the “Child” as its own, independent script.
ergo… No relationship, no “propagation” between the scripts.
The other suggestion is more complicated, writing error handling code to avoid the default behavior.
If “child” means “sleep 2” - of course ^C stops it and then it is restarted.
while sleep 2 ; do
echo "sleeping"
CTL-C is stoping the child
If “child” means “echo sleeping” - it is near to impossible for ^C to hit it, it executes too fast. You again are stopping “sleep 2” which terminates loop (look at exit code of “sleep 10” interrupted by ^C).
Thank you for taking care of my question.
I rephrase my question.
In post #4 I said :
a script named for example call a script named
“-m” in the child’s shebang prevent the parent to exit; that seems to be correct.
Now the child’s script contains :
while true ; do
echo "sleeping"
sleep 2
In that case each time I type CTRL-C, I see on the screen :
What exactly you do not understand in “in the first case loop continues and in the second case loop terminates”? In the first case you kill program in loop body and in the second case you kill program in loop condition.
Actually this seems to be bash-specific and starting with 5.0 bash changed behavior to pretend it also received SIGINT if child received SIGINT. By default it terminates bash. Out of curiosity I checked two shells that were installed besides bash here - mksh and dash. mksh runs both bash process and sleep in the same process group (even though it has -m option), so shell simply gets SIGINT when ^C is pressed. dash runs sleep in different process group so only sleep is killed by ^C but dash sends itself SIGINT in this case and so also terminates.